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Ransom's POV

Not seeing Evie was pure torture and finding her broken down in the hotel when she ran away for the second time broke his heart.
Her spark had well and truly fizzled out and he hated that he couldn't help her.

She refused to get any help and pushed him away despite him refusing but eventually had no choose but to accept her wishes. Before she cut him off she told him that he needed closure with Chloe.

God he hadn't thought of that women in a while, she was a ruthless cold hearted bitch, who couldn't accept the fact they had broken up. So he agreed that seeing her in person one last time was probably best just to ensure he drove the message home wasn't the worst idea.
But no way in hell was he going to get back together with her, Evie was who he wanted.

After Evie eventually agreed to go live with Harvey for a while, Ransom went back to the apartment to pack up some of her things for her.

That's when he found the notebook, it was a mixture of plots and had several chapters written in it. At first it felt like he was reading her diary but realised her writing was incredible and she was wasting her potential.
Her writing moved him and he knew the world had to see it.

So he packed it up and took it to Harlan and they worked together to make sense of the notebook, before typing some of it up and sending it to some publishers.
Praying this would be a fresh start that Evie needed and should've had years ago.

The meeting with Chloe went how he expected it to, she faked cried and begged him to take her back, telling him he couldn't do better than her. Blah blah blah. God he had wished he just text her and blocked her.
When he refused to take her back and she finally accepted it in her thick skull of her, she admitted to cheating on him numerous times thinking it would hurt him but he couldn't have given two shits. That bitch really was the worse, he suddenly couldn't see what he ever saw in her.

Oh yeah she was an easy lay and way for him to pretend he wasn't madly in love with someone else.
A gap filler who he somehow accidentally got engaged to.
She had found the ring he intended for Evie, one he had kept on him for years. She found it and jumped to conclusion he just never corrected her and thought maybe he could make it work.
Now that ring was tainted so he couldn't wait to sell it.

Letting her have the space she needed was tough but he was being kept updated on her progress.
Then deciding he needed to take a risk he messaged Harvey who told him to come over and it looks like Evie has had a response from a publisher.

Ransom wanted to be apart of that moment so he raced to Harvey's. Feeling anxious about seeing her.

He thinks back to the moment over a month ago when they ended up fucking and he admitted he was in love with her. He meant what he said that he would wait for her, it took him a while to realise that he's been in love with since she was 15 and he was 16.

She was the best thing to happen in his life, he wasn't letting her getaway this time.

Walking into Harvey's apartment he felt nervous, but when she threw herself into his arms it felt like home. His heart almost stopped when he realised she kept the necklace that he gave her after graduation.

The celebration they had that day was amazing, it was small and intimate, just the people who love Evie.

But she's been broken to realise how much love she is surrounded by, Ransom has ever intention to fix that. He also knows that Harvey, Donna and Michael would never leave her, they are the family she always wanted.

Harvey is very much the protective father, Donna is the protective and best friend mother. Then Michael and her very much have the brother and sister relationship, at first Ransom was jealous because he thought Micheal was more suitable for Evie then he was. That was soon squashed though much to his relief.

Although two days after the celebration Evie announced she was going back to LA alone. They all tried to plead with her to let at least one of them go with hers but the girl is stubborn.

Finally they agreed she could go by herself, but he was flying out in two weeks. Of course he was looking to book the next flight out after hers, but Harvey wasn't dumb and had foiled his plans.
They talked and he helped him see this was something she needed to do alone, another step in her journey.

Didn't stop him hating it.
He wanted nothing more than wrap Evie up in his arms and never let her go.

Ransom was constantly texting Harvey for updates on how she was because she stopped responding to his numerous messages, and she's only been gone 10hrs.

Eventually a group text came in from her telling them to stop worrying, she was fine and would lean on Andy if she was struggling.

Sighing he pours himself a whiskey and settles on the sofa, this women occupies his mind 24/7.
He hates that she walked away yet again, but he understands and prays she can get the help she needs.

The next day he's at Harlan's.
"It's good she's being strong" Harlan smiles as Ransom catches his grandfather up "How are you?"

A question Ransom hasn't been asked for a while.
"I miss her and wish nothing more than to be by her side, Harvey foiled my plan on flying out and stalking her around" Ransom admits causing Harlan to laugh.

"You always were impatient, I know this has been tough on you too, but give her space. You will have the rest of your life to spend with her" Harlan places a hand over his.

"You're right, I'm just scared in this time apart she won't choose me" Ransom finally admits his fears.
He's never been the emotional or sentimental person except one it's come to one person.

That's why Harlan can't help but break out into a smile "Follow me" he says standing up and Ransom looks confused.

Harlan leads him to his office where he opens one of his draws, before pulling out a velvet box.
"Take this. Trust me you're gonna be needing it rather soon I think" he hands over the box.

Ransom is confused until he opens the box and sees his grandmothers engagement ring sat inside, it was simple yet absolutely stunning and elegant.
"No I can't take this" he shakes his head.

"There is no one I would rather have wear this ring than Evelyn. I've watched you two grow and yes at times it meant you were apart but you always find a way back to each other. You're grandmother would've loved Evelyn and would be proud to have this sat upon her finger" Harlan looks Ransom in the eyes. "She's the one for you. Always has been"

Ransom swipes a tear that's escaped before rounding the desk and hugging his grandfather.
"Thank you" he whispers.

He pulls back before staring at the ring again. This one so much more perfect and more Evie's style than the one he brought before.

Now all he had to do was ask permission from her family.
He suspects Donna will say yes right away but Harvey and Michael he's not sure on.
Suddenly nerves fill his body.

"They will give you permission" Harlan says as if he's read Ransom's mind.

"I hope so" he half smiles.

Looking down at the ring he wants nothing more than to begin his future with Evie.
This was going to be a long two weeks and then he would have to wait for the perfect moment to propose.

He just prays she's not going to change her mind about him.
But he can't help but picture their future together and smile he just needs learn to have some patience.

Invisible String (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now