Prince Charming

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"It's a shame the others couldn't join the dinner" Evie says as she gets ready.
Her and Ransom are back in Boston and she wanted a family dinner before her book release tomorrow, but everyone was busy so Ransom is taking her for lunch.

It's been gruelling months of stress, tears and plenty of sex for stress relief while she was finishing the book. Ransom didn't leave her side the entire time, he carried her up to bed several times after finding her asleep at her desk, he also fucked her until her mind was clear of everything else. He held her when it all felt too much and she was close to giving in to wanting a hit to help her escape the stress. She couldn't be more thankful for having him by her side.

"Yeah it is but at least they said they are all free tomorrow" he comes up and kisses her cheek.
"You look beautiful by the way" his smile widens as he takes her in.
"This old thing" she laughs. She's wearing a red dress that flows to the floor, and hugs her curves perfectly and accentuates her breasts.

She looks at him and notices his pure primal hunger for her.
"Ransom if you keep looking at me like that then we aren't leaving this room" she smirks at him.
"Don't tempt me" he snakes his arm around her waist to pull her closer.

"I'm definitely having you as dessert" he kisses her.
"I'm okay with that" she laughs breaking the kiss so they don't miss the reservation Ransom made.
"You never did tell me where we are going" she says moving away to add a red lipstick and check herself one more time in the mirror.
"It's a surprise" Ransom smiles as he leads them out the room and to the car.

When he starts heading in the direction of Thrombey manner she's gets confused, but it isn't until he drives down the driveway that she speaks up.
"Rans I thought Harlan was busy why are we here?" she turns to face him with confusion written all over her face.
"Trust me" is all he says as he in entwines their fingers and kisses the back of her hand.

The car comes to a stop and he jumps out before rounding the car and opening her door.
"My lady" he smiles offering his hand to help her out.
"What is going on?" She asks.
"I'm gonna need you to wear this" he pulls out a blindfold.

"What no way Ransom just tell me why we are here is everything okay with Har.?" He cuts her off by kissing her.
"Evie relax everything is fine, just put this on and trust me" he strokes her face and eventually she nods.

He places the blindfold over her eyes and he takes her hand leading them down the driveway.
"Don't let me fall" her voice is quiet.
"Never" he replies quickly.

A couple of minutes walking and they come to a stop, the chill in the winter air hitting her causing a shiver.
"Okay you can take it off" she hears Ransom's voice coming from infront of her.

As she slowly undoes the blindfold letting it drop to the floor, she blinks to adjust to the afternoon light.
But suddenly blinks a few more times from not believing the scene in front of her.

They are in the same spot that Ransom gave her first orgasm on her 16th birthday, a spot they spent many hours at over the years. It's beautifully decorated with her favourite flowers and fairy lights.
Ransom stands in front of her looking all of a sudden nervous before grabbing her hands.

"Evie, I know we haven't had the easiest of roads but somehow we always end up back in each others arms. You are my home. My love. The other half of my soul. When you first came into my life all those years ago I instantly felt drawn to you, I knew there and then you would be apart of my future in some way. It just took a while to realise what that future looked like. Letting you go was one of the worst mistakes of my life, I should've fought for you. But I will spend the rest of my life making up for that. I will spend every day showing you how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I want us to start a family of our own so we can have mini you's running around. Evie will you do me the honour of marrying me?" He has tears in his eyes as he gets down on one knee and pulls out his grandmothers ring.

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