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Once home she closes the door sliding down it while she tries to control her breathing.

Wanting to wash away her sins from this evening she's decides to take a shower. Hovering by the wardrobe before pushing down the feeling to relive the past. Standing in the shower letting the hot water wash over her as flashes of her encounter with a Ransom play in her mind, she begins to scrub her skin till it's raw wanting all trace of Ransom removed.

How is it Ransom always draws her back in.
Why does she always let herself be drawn back in, she's always been weak when it comes to him.

After scrubbing her body clean, she stands there naked looking at her bruised and red body in the mirror. She had become someone she barely recognised anymore feeling like the shell of the person who she once was.
Having lost weight because she felt like she had to fit in with LA skinny. Everyone here seemed to have the perfect skinny tanned bodies and perky ass, the beach was always filled with girls in string bikinis that covered next to nothing. She would never have the courage to wear something like that in public.

As she thought, her mind wondered to Ransom's fiancé, she seemed like the kinda girl to wear one of those bikinis. Her blonde hair falling down her back with Ransom stood proudly at her side. From the glance she got she noticed she was pretty, far prettier than she was so it was no wonder Ransom had decided to stick a ring on it.

Throwing on oversized comfy clothes she heads for her weed stash needing a release before grabbing her notebook and sitting on the balcony.
As she smokes she begins to write her only way of escaping her shitty reality. Getting lost in writing she doesn't even notice how late it gets, as the light on the balcony shines keeping away the darkness.

Getting up she heads inside, checking her phone the time reading 1am. Scanning her phone and seeing numerous missed calls and messages from Ransom, and a message from Luke saying he won't be over this evening as he's tired from work. Deciding she doesn't want to deal with either of the men in her life or anyone else for that matter, she turns her phone off and heads to bed.

Awoken the next day by banging on the front door, Evie groans as she rolls over in the duvet cocooning herself in the duvet wanting to ignore whoever is that that door. The bangs grow louder making it harder for her to ignore.
"Go away" she groans as she walks half asleep to the door.

As she gets closer the person sounds like they are about to pretty much break down the door.
"Jesus I'm coming" Evie screams.
The bangs stops and she opens to the door to be faced with the one person she doesn't want to see.

"How the hell did you get my address?" She scoffs.
"Harlan" he says bluntly.
"He promised not to tell you" she sounds annoyed.
"I found a letter he wrote to you and noted the address" he admits.
"Great now leave" she says going to shut the door on him, but he puts his hand out stopping the door.
"I'm not going anywhere" he says barging past her.

"Ransom last night was a mistake" she sighs in frustration.
"I just want to know if you are okay" he says looking round the apartment.
"I'm fine" she groans standing there with her arms crossed.

"Are you?" He says looking at the weed on the table.
"Oh please it's legal and we did it when we were younger" she rolls her eyes.
"We did a lot of things when we were younger" Ransom replies.
"You're not here to relive the past" she sounds frustrated.

"You left me remember" Ransom sighs sitting down on the sofa.
"Yeah Ransom I know, so please just go and be with your fiancé, I don't need you here Ransom screwing up everything" she replies coldly.

"Screwing everything up wow" he now laughs. "You've been lying Evie to everyone"
"I didn't" she is quick to snap back.
"You lied saying you work in publishing when you're really just a crappy bartender" he shoot's back.

"Because I didn't want everyone to know I am a failure" she now shouts "I never even had the courage to try in publishing, I started at the bar just for fun to try something completely new and opposite to what I've done my entire life. I also kinda new mum and dad wouldn't approve so it made it all the better but now I just can't seem to leave" she sighs slumping into the arm chair.

"Yeah you're parents would hate it" he now laughs.
"You're not a failure Evie, you shouldn't feel like you have to lie to people" he now looks at her sympathetically.
"It's easier than facing the truth sometimes" she shrugs "You need to leave incase Luke comes home and I'm sure you're fiancé isn't best pleased you left her and came to see your ex"

"She doesn't know I'm here" he now admits "She left for a girls trip"
"Ransom" she sighs.
"I had to see you, you're all I could think about after I saw you" he goes over and sits on the coffee table in front of her.

"Well you saw me" she looks down not wanting to look into his baby blue eyes. She could just drown in those eyes.
"Evie" he says hooking his finger under her chin forcing her to look at him. Tears now forming in her eyes.

They just sit there staring at each other.
"Rans" she whispers.
He goes to move closer but she stops him.
"We can't" she moves away.
"You're right" he now moves backwards and clears his throat.

Getting up he heads for the door as she follows.
"Goodbye Evie" he says leaning in and kissing her one last time. Tasting the saltness of her tears on their lips as they mould together.
Breaking the kiss they stay there for a minute foreheads resting against each other.
Before he turns and walks out the door leaving her alone.

The feeling of loss hits her like a tidal wave and she breaks down, her heart feeling like the glue she used patch it back together is slowly starting to fade away and it could shatter at any moment.

Invisible String (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now