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No one prepares you for this moment in life.
As Evie stands there in the grand hallway that holds nearly two decades of memories, she feels the tears filling her eyes for the god knows how many times this week let alone today.
It's been an emotional rollercoaster of a day and as she stands here surrounded by her loved ones, watching her eldest son bring his final packed suitcase down the stairs. She can't help it as the tears begin to fall again.

"Mom stop crying I'm going to university, it's not like someone has died" James rolls his eyes at his mum but he has a small smile on his face.
"Don't say that!" She gasps "I'm just so proud of you and I'm going to miss having you under the same roof" she sniffs.
Ransom leans in to kiss her forehead trying to comfort his emotional wife.

James is off to Harvard University after deciding on his own terms he wants to be a lawyer like the people he's named after and his mom.
Evie had written a handful of successful novels but after a while went back into law and helping Michael do more pro bono cases.
She loved it helping people who didn't have the right access to the help they needed and the law firm was thriving with a mixture of corporate and pro bono cases.

Their daughter on the other hand Hope Roberta Drysdale who is just two years younger than James, is set on becoming the world's next biggest fashion designer and is itching to move to New York the second she can then wants to live in Paris for a while.
Evie's not sure how's she's going to deal with that when the time comes, but she will support her daughter dreams whilst wishing she could live at home forever.

Ransom is also anti against his princess moving away from home and he's threatened to move wherever she is so that he can protect his baby girl from all the advances of boys. A threat that Evie thinks he would definitely follow through on.
Then there is their youngest Hugo Harlan Drysdale who at 8 years old changes dreams every other month, pretty sure right now it's Pokémon hunter, of course they aren't going to crush his spirit by letting him know it's not exactly a real job.

19 years of being happily married and three beautiful children who also have two amazing cousins thanks to Michael and Rachel.
Harvey and Donna finally realised what everyone else saw that they were meant to be and finally got  married, funnily enough that was the night that Hugo was conceived.
She couldn't love her little family more if she tried, sure she misses her parents and wishes they could meet their grandchildren. She's cried a few times over the years at the thought they are missing out.

They also lost Harlan when Hugo was 5 he lived to good age of 98 and adored his great grand children more than anything. It breaks her heart when she thinks about him but couldn't be happier that he got to make so many happy memories with them.
He would he so proud of James right now, she looks to the mantle place in the lounge and smiles at the photo of Harlan surrounded by his great grandchildren all with smiles on their faces.
Ransom clearly follows her gaze and whispers in her ear "He would've been so happy and proud today." Evie just nods in response.

Snapping her gaze away from the picture she turns to James.
"You need anything at all and you call and you can come home whenever you want" Evie says pulling James into a hug.
"Don't come home that often" Hope says with her head in her phone.
"Hope" Evie scolds her daughter and Ransom takes her phone off her.

"Daddy" she says in a sickly sweet voice that she uses when she wants her own way, but Ransom just tucks the phone into his pocket.
"You will get it back later but right now we are saying goodbye to your brother" he says sounding the ever so serious father that he definitely is not, he will cave pretty quickly in giving her phone back. Poor guy can't resist his daughter's puppy dog eyes.

Donna moves so she can whisper in Evie's ear
"How long?" She says trying not to laugh.
"She will have it back in a minute" Evie whispers back with a proud look on her face.
She laughs watching her daughter pout before reluctantly hugging her older brother then giving her best I'm your little princess look to Ransom who as expected caves.
"Told ya" Evie smirks at Donna who can't help her laugh earning a stare from Ransom.

Harvey and Michael also laugh but they are just as bad as Ransom, Hope has them all wrapped around her little finger being the only girl.
Like mother like daughter Ransom always says.

"This is for you" Hugo hands James a drawing he did of the entire family.
He smiles as he points out every member to his older brother and James can't help but smile back as he's crouches down so he's level with Hugo.
Despite the age gap they are close and Hugo worships the ground that James walks on, so him being gone is going to be hard for him to adjust to.

"Daddy said I'm not allowed your room even though it's bigger than mine" Hugo adds at out of the blue with a pouty face.
"James will still need his room when he comes back kiddo" Ransom ruffles his hair.
"How about I let you use it as a playroom while I'm gone" James whispers rather loudly like he's telling Hugo a secret, but loud enough so his parents hear his approval.
Hugo jumps throwing his arms around him causing James to lose balance and they end up on the floor in a heap laughing.

Hope can't help the smile that spreads on her face looking at her siblings and joins in my jumping on them as well.
Evie grabs her phone and takes a picture of her babies her heart feeling full as she witnesses their bond, god she's glad they were able to have more than one child.
They were able to provide the love that she wishes she could've had growing up.

"Group picture everyone outside the front door" Evie shouts causing a mixture of agreements and moans.
It takes a moment to round everyone up but eventually the phone has been set up on the stand and they all stand huddled together posing.
They have plenty of group pictures from key memories throughout the years, the photos displayed proudly throughout the house.

Without this bunch of people Evie would never have been able to face some of the crappy things life has thrown her way, they have been her life support.
Before she knows it she will have an empty nest and that fills her with dread as well as slight happiness.

Happiness mainly because her and Ransom won't have to try and keep quiet while they fuck or won't get cock blocked by having a child wanting to sleep in with them for some reason or another, any parent will tell you that sometimes to have private time you have to get creative.
Nothing like your child asking at breakfast why you were screaming fuck Ransom for most the night, or why daddy looked like he was beating mummy up when they accidentally walked in on them.

Thank god for the adult time they carved out when Donna and Harvey offered to babysit because sharing horror stories with Michael and Rachel definitely helped them keep their sanity.

Despite Evie and Ransom not having had the smoothest path over the years she can't help but think every time she looks at Ransom:
Isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me!

Invisible String (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now