China Doll

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As Evelyn comes around she takes in her surroundings and starts panicking, as she begins to pull out her IV drip. Waking up at the noise Ransom jumps up from the chair he was sleeping on.
"Hey hey Evie calm down" Ransom gently holds onto her.
"Where am I what happened" Evelyn says looking round the room.

"There was an accident you're in the hospital, Evie please lay back down"
"What happened?" She asks again laying back down as the nurse who rushed in reattaches her IV.
"I found you in a pile of glass" Ransom begins to explain.
"Oh god" she gasps bringing her hand up to cover her mouth.

As the nurse leaves after checking her vitals she confirms Evelyn is good to go and explains how to change the dressing for some of the deeper cuts. Most of the cuts were just superficial with the exception of a couple.
Getting changed into the clothes that Marta had brought, Ransom helps her out to his BMW.
The drive back to the house is quiet, as Evelyn stares out the window while Ransom's hand rests on her thigh.

Once they pull up to the house Ransom stops the car jumping out and running round to open the door for Evelyn.
"Marta said there's food in the fridge if you are hungry" Ransom says as he helps her inside.
"I just want to shower" Evelyn says.
"Okay I will help you"
"Rans I don't need your help" she rolls her eyes.
"Yes you do, I will run a small bath and help you wash your hair" he insists.
"Fine" she sighs knowing right now there's no point in arguing as he is right.

Running a bath, Ransom helps Evie undress before helping her in the bath, her body flinching as the water meets the cuts.
"I think it's best I stay for a few days, I don't want you to be alone" Ransom suggests while washing her hair.

"Fine" she responds, slightly zoned out.
"Evie?" Ransom looks at her concerned.
"Hmmm" she hums.
"I have to ask this and I'm sorry but I need to know" Ransom says taking her face gently between his hands forcing her to look at him "Were you trying to hurt yourself on purpose?" He blinks trying to hold back tears that are forming.

"No" is all that she managed to say barley a whisper.
"Okay" he accepts her answer.
"I'm so sorry" she bursts into a fit of tears body shaking from how hard she's crying.
"It's okay I've got you" Ransom says jumping into the bath fully clothed and instantly wrapping his body around hers. She melts into his body and just sobs while he strokes her hair, letting her finally feel everything that's happened.

He knew this was bound to happen sooner or later she had kept it too well together since she got the news of her parents death.
Eventually he helps her out the bath, wrapping her in a towel and stripping himself of his wet clothes. After he changes into the only fresh pair of clothes he has and helps her change into comfy clothes he gets her settled on the sofa, before he then goes and warms them up some of the food that Marta had brought over.

Ransom called Marta to ask her to come over while Evelyn is having a nap so he can go get a bag of clothes, as he doesn't want to leave her alone.
"She's still out" Marta says as Ransom reappears an hour later.
"Thanks again for coming over I just don't want to leave her alone right now" Ransom sighs running his hand over his face.

"She's gonna be okay Hugh's, she will get through this" Marta says reassuringly.
"I know I just hate seeing her broken" he replies looking over at her curled up under a blanket sleeping on the couch.
"She's lucky to have you looking after her, I know her parents hated you two together but I see how good you are both are together" Marta smiles at him.
"I didn't expect to end up liking her this much" Ransom smiles, surprised by his own feelings.
"I best be getting back to Harlan, he sends his best wishes" she says gathering her things.
"Thanks again" Ransom says as Marta leaves.

A month later

Sat in her office staring out the window Evelyn doesn't even hear the knock of her door.
"Evie?" Ransom says entering the room.
"What you doing here?" She asks looking at her watch to see what time it was.
"I was close by and wondered if you wanted to get lunch, I've barley seen you these days" Ransom says standing by the door.

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