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Staring at herself in the hotel room mirror, she begins to apply makeup to her bruises around her neck. She also had one on her forehead where Luke threw her perfume bottle at her head after he woke up and found her packing. He then made it up to her by making her a romantic dinner once he had sobered up and he drove her to the airport the next day.

She had let Donna, Michael and Harvey know she was back and had plans to meet them the day after Harlan's birthday.
Once she had covered her bruises, she got changed into a long sleeve dress and pair of heels. A cute autumn outfit she thought as she checked her outfit out in the mirror.

The taxi ride to Harlan's was excruciating, the closer she got the more she wanted to tell the taxi driver to turn around. Seeing the house come into sight a mixture of emotions washed over her, memories flooding in of her and Harlan sat on the front balcony talking and reading books. Her and Ransom sneaking off when they were younger into the woods to make out so their parents couldn't catch them.
"You getting out?" The taxi driver snaps her from her thoughts.
"Right sorry" she smiles at him paying the fee and getting out running to the porch so she didn't get too wet.

Taking one final deep breathe she opens the door, slipping inside hoping to stay undetected for a little longer.
"Evelyn" Marta says seeing her sneak in and greets her with a hug.
"It's good to see you" Evelyn now admits.
"Come Harlan has been asking if you have arrived" she says going to lead her but Evelyn doesn't move.
"He's not here, not sure if he will turn up or not" Marta now says sensing Evie's hesitation.
"Okay" Evie puts on her best fake smile as Marta leads her to the main room where everyone is gathered.

"Oh Evelyn darling it's so good to see you" Harlan says now trying to stand to give her a hug and Marta helps him up.
"Happy birthday" she now smiles at the old man as they hug. She can hear the whispers beginning and can feel the eyes on her.
"I got you this" she says handing Harlan a present as he sits back down.
"You shouldn't have, just you being here is a good enough present" He smiles and takes her hand as she sits beside him.

Opening the present it was a first edition of one there favourite books to read together.
"Evelyn this is too much, you should have it" Harlan tries to hand the book over.
"Nonsense" she smiles handing it back.

"Evie" Meg shouts as she comes into the room looking up from her phone.
Meg is Ransom's cousin who she always got along with, one of the only family members she could truly stand.
"Meg hi" she smiles as they hug.
"Didn't expect you to be here since your living the high life in LA now" Meg says looking at her.
"I couldn't let Harlan down now could I" Evie smiles.
"Happy to let others down though" she hears Linda say to Richard.

"Come tell me everything" Megs pulls her to one side after seeing her tense from the comment.
"Filling my daughters head with nonsense" Joni says now approaching them.
"Of course not" Evie tightly smiles.
"Surprised you dared to show your face after you just packed up and left" Joni remarks.
"Mom" Meg shouts.
"Like I said Harlan invited me of course I was going to come, now excuse me" Evie says making her way to the bathroom.

Re-applying some makeup so the bruises don't show, thankfully no one has noticed or if they had they hadn't said anything yet. Staying there for a moment she tries to focus herself.
"You can do this" she tells herself already tired of feeling eyes on her wherever she goes "you don't have to stay much longer Harlan will be happy you just showed up" the voice in her head tries to calms her.

As she makes her way out the bathroom and back into the main room, she stops dead in her tracks as she spots him.
Stood up with some blonde next to him who is all but looking like she's about to burst with excitement before she hears the words
"WE ARE GETTING MARRIED" screamed and the blonde's hand now held up showing a big diamond ring as she turns to kiss him.

Feeling like she's had the air knocked out of her lungs she stands there staring at the ring, as the family mumble their congratulations before they all eventually turn to notice Evie stood there looking like she'd seen a ghost.
After finally tearing her eyes from the blonde she suddenly locks eyes with Ransom who is now only just noticing she is there.
"I can't do this" she thinks internally.
"Evie?" She hears Ransom's voice from across the room.
Before she can even think about it she turns on her heel and runs out the room.
"Evie" Ransom goes to follow but his fiancé stops him.

Running straight out the house and starting to make her way down the driveway she kicks off her heels and runs barefoot in the pouring rain. Not caring about the pain being caused as the stones pierce her skin and her lungs feel like they are about to collapse, but she just keeps running not sure where she's heading.

Eventually she collapses against the side of the road, pulling out her phone and texting Donna her location begging for her to come ASAP.
Sitting in the pouring rain her body shaking, her feet bleeding but right now she doesn't even feel the pain or the wetness as her head is spinning. Replaying the women shouting "we are getting married" before holding up her hand to show the ring.
He's getting married, he's forgotten all about her. Two years that's all it took to replace her, even thought they had spent so long together, two years.

Suddenly she hears a car pulling up and looks up thinking it was Donna but it wasn't.
Ransom steps out of his BMW and walks towards her.
"Evie you're soaked" he says trying to hand her his jacket but she moves away from him.
"Leave me alone Ransom" she says standing up and moving away not being able to look at him.
"Your bleeding" noticing she's barefoot and the blood that is seeping out.
"I'm fine" she says.
"Evie get in the car" he pleads with her.
"Go back to you fiancé" she says tears beginning to fall.

"Please just get in the car, you're gonna get sick, and you need to get your feet checked, I wanna talk" Ransom says going to grab her to put her in the car.
"Get off me" she screams pushing him away.
"Evie your neck" he says now noticing the bruise as the rain had washed away the makeup.
"Just go" she pleads now looking at him.
"Who's hurt you" Anger rising in him as he looks at her noticing the other bruise on her head.
"It's nothing" she says trying to shake it off.

"Evie you have a bruise around your neck that's not nothing" he storms up to her in anger and grabs her arm, her whole body flinches with fear filling her eyes and he stops in his tracks letting go of her arm.
Suddenly another car is heard pulling up and out steps Donna and Harvey.
"Evie" Donna says approaching her slowly.
"I think it's best you leave" Harvey faces Ransom.
"Get me out of here" Evie shakes and Harvey scoops her up into his arm like she weighs nothing, carrying her to the car.

Placing her in the backseat of his car before noticing the marks on her.
"Did he do this?" Anger boils inside him.
She just shakes her head and Donna gets in beside her comforting her, as she gives Harvey a worried look.

"If I find out you did this you are dead" Harvey warns Ransom before climbing into the car and speeding off.
Ransom stands there in the rain anger filling him as he wondered who had laid hands on her. He needed answers but knew he couldn't get them right now, she needed space, but he couldn't shake the look of fear in her eyes from his memory.

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