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Two weeks later and Evie was ready to be discharged.
The police had tried to question her but she couldn't remember anything so they didn't push, left a card and advised to call if she remembered anything.

The first week in hospital Evie had pushed everyone away, not talking or really being present. She withdrew herself much to the pain and discomfort of her loved ones.

Harvey and Michael had to return to Boston sometime in the second week despite their best efforts to try and stay, however Donna and Ransom stayed behind to help.

As Evie is preparing to leave the hospital there is a knock on her door.

"Hey, ummm I know you don't remember me currently, but we are good friends. I just wanted to bring this by" A brunette says holding up and gift basket full of self care pamper items.

Evie looks at her puzzled, confused and frustrated. Just another reminder that she's broken.

"Ohh sorry I'm Andy" the women introduces herself "We work together this is from me, Luna and Joe. They are colleagues who wanted to come visit as well but didn't want to overwhelm you" she smiles.

Tears suddenly form in Evie's eyes and she feels overwhelmed, noticing the tears Andy panics.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry, I will just put this here and go" her voice coming out nervously as she places the basket down.

"No I'm fine it's just you seem so sweet, and I guess I've not had friends before so this seem odd to me. Also I think I remember hearing someone say it was Andy who found me so thanks" Evie now admits.

"Yeah it did take me a while to break you down, you were so quite and shy at first but it wasn't long before we were two peas in pod" Andy laughs "And you don't have to thank me I'm sorry you ended up here in the first place" her eyes now sad.

"Quite and shy that sums me up well" she now smiles "I'm sorry I don't remember you"

"You will remember in time" Andy now holds her hand gently.

"Andy hi we weren't expecting you" Donna greets her as she enters and Ransom merely just nods in her direction.

"Sorry I just wanted to drop this off from the team and wish Eves luck going home" she smiles at Evie.

"Oh that's so sweet of you all" Donna smiles at her.

"You ready to go?" Ransom is now crouched down in front of her. 

"More than ready" Evie sighs.

"Okay then let's get you out of here" Ransom smiles and grabs her bag, while Donna grabs the gift basket.

"I hope to see you soon" Andy says before leaving.

Evie can't fly for a while for so they are going to have to take care of her in LA.

Ransom wheels her to the waiting car they rented and helps her in carefully, before Donna slides next to her and he jumps in the drivers seat.

The entire journey home which in LA traffic took a while, Evie just stared out the window lost in her own mind.

"Right let's get you settled" Ransom gently carries up the stairs to her apartment.

"Donna is set up in the guest room and I will be on the couch just shout any day or night if you need anything" Ransom strokes her face ever so gently as he places her onto her bed.

Evie can't help but hate the way he looks at her like she is broken, but she knows a part of her is. She's just not sure how broken since she doesn't remember.

"I'm sorry" she whispers.

"For what?" Ransom looks at her confused.

"For not telling you about the baby, for my body not being good or strong enough to keep her alive, to do the one thing a women should be able to do. I'm sorry I've seen to have lost two years or my memory. I'm sorry I'm broken" tears fall down her face.

"Listen to me Evie, it is not your fault. None of this is your fault. Don't ever blame yourself. You're not broken. You are the strongest and the most amazing women I've ever known" Ransom wipes her tears ever so gently cautious of her healing wounds.

"Ransom's right Evie this is not your fault, unfortunately it's a terrible thing that happens to a lot of women, but it never makes anyone less of one" Donna sits on the other side of the bed next to her.

"I'm just tired. Tired of feeling sad. Tired of not remembering. Tired of feeling broken" Evie now admits.

"We are here for you okay, we going to support you every step of the way. Evie we are going to be honest with you, there are tougher times to come ahead when you get your memory back. Me and Ransom will be here by your side, Harvey and Michael are going to be flying in whenever they can. We are all here for you" Donna strokes her back.

Evie can see in their eyes that they are hiding something important from her.

"Why can't you just tell me what happened to me?" she sniffs.

"The doctors told us not to force the memories, that if they are going to come back it has to be on there own not forced" Ransom explains.

"But I want to know what I've forgotten what further pain is to come" her heart hurting from everything.

She can see the pain and torment in their eyes, but knows they won't tell her. They are right she has to remember on her own accord. Whatever it is can't be especially with the police coming round and trying to ask questions.

She was attacked! But but why can't she remember anything, at least that part explains the injuries she has. Everyday she feels like she's trying to force herself to remember, did she want to remember?

"I would like to rest a little, that trip has made me tired" Evie says wanting to be left alone.

"Of course, we will wake you in a couple of hours of dinner. Harvey also said he would call tonight" Donna smiles and Ransom helps her get into a comfortable position.

"Shout if you need anything" Ransom places a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Once they leave the room, Evie breaks down. Her body still hurting, the ribs were killer. She couldn't walk because of her broken ankle, and she knows her cheekbone is broke along with many bruises over her entire body.

She hates that she needs assistance for the most basic tasks. She hates feeling like a burden and that's exactly what she is right now, not that they will ever admit it.

Wait what happened the women who answered Ransom's phone when she called to tell him? Was she a one night stand, is she waiting for him back in Boston and is understanding he needs to be here for me her at the moment.
If she had been stronger she would've told Ransom the truth so much sooner, but she wasn't.

She makes a mental note to ask Ransom about the women before eventually exhaustion takes over body allowing her some sleep, which is hard to come by the last couple of weeks.

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