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The sunlight started to pierce through the silk curtains as you feel its warmth start to touch your tan skin. The brightness moving ever so slowly causing you to wake up from your light sleep. You rub your eyes and start to feel a wetness on your cheek, you wipe it off while you look around wondering where you are. You notice the dark wood desk in the corner with a picture frame placed carefully, you know who's room your in, but how did you get here? You turn and see the onyx haired boy still sleeping peacefully next to you, his breaths slow and steady not ready to be disturbed. You lean over and slowly pull back the velvet sheets shaking the boy ever so slightly.

"Lixxxx" you whisper trying not to poke the dragon that will wake. You shake him a little harder knowing the consequences that will come.

"Lix wake up." He starts to grumble and moan shooing you away with his hand.

"Mmmm leave me alone Grace its to early for this." He pulls the sheets back up over his head curling into fetal position wrapping the blankets around him and tucking himself in making it impossible for you to get them back off.

I swear to god this boy drives me insane does he not know what day it is. I'm gonna have to get him up the hard way. "You don't wanna get your lazy ass up, that's fine by me." You swing your legs over the bed ready to wake up the mammoth drifting off to sleep next to you. You draw back the curtains letting the light bathe inside the room, you walk over to the bathroom and turn on the tap. You reach for the dried out cloth on the towel rack and run it under the cold water, you take a step out of the bathroom to see if he's still sleeping, shocker he is.

"Is he seriously still trying to sleep, honestly how annoying can a 13 year old boy be every single time he refuses to get up and today of all days does it mean nothing to him." You grab the cloth from under the tap and walk over to him placing the dripping rag on his bedside table. You pull back the sheets with all the strength you have, quickly grabbing the cloth rubbing it all over his face.


He jolts up from his position trying to stop you from rubbing the wet cloth all over his face.


He starts fighting against your hand trying to stop you from continuing the torture, after multiple failed attempts he grabs your wrist and flips you over on your back as he pulls you down on the bed now hovering over you, pinning your arms above your head. He stares into your eyes out of breath, his breathing now hard and heavy exhaling more with each breath he draws.

You stare into his eyes as his face and hair start to drip the water falling on your face. Even in the morning his eyes are filled with a light that you can't describe, your eyes start to trail down his face as you take in his features. His freckles that look like fallen stars, each with it's own individual shape. You continue to trail down his face as the light illuminates each feature you find yourself staring at his lips, soft, pink, plump you can't help but wonder what they would feel like pressed upon yours. Your mind trails off and so do your eyes, you catch your self looking at his abs complimenting the tone of his body. He flicks you on your forehead snapping out of your thoughts.

"Ow! What was that for?" you wince in pain as you hold your forehead.

"You covered my face in a wet cloth!" he protests. "You didn't wanna get up." You shrug, you both burst into laughter laughing at your stupidity. His eyes glance to the side noticing a wet patch on one of his pillows "Ew, did you get your disgusting drool all over my silk pillow?" he exclaims "Pillow? What's a pillow? Never heard of it" you say sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes scoffing at your comment. He takes the cloth out of your hands as he wipes away the dry saliva stains on his pillow then the remaining dry stains on your face, he flashes you his signature sunshine smile making you go wobbly at the knees. He throws the cloth on the floor and slowly starts to release his grip on your wrist, as he flops on the side of the bed getting off you. You can't help feel your cheeks heat up as your face turns red thinking of him hovering you, he gets off the bed walking into the bathroom sending you a wink.

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