Chapter 11

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After sorting things out with Chris you finally were able to relax and enjoy your vacation properly, you appreciate the boys trying to take your mind off it but you were never fully there to lost in your own thoughts to focus. Yesterday Seungmin told you he would take you out for the day as he had nothing planned and wanted some one and one time with you. You weren't sure what he had in store but he told you to dress cute and comfortable and were sneakers for a lot of walking which you had to mentally prepare for because lets be honest your not a big fan of cardio. 

He wasn't one who really cared about what you looked like so the request was a bit strange considering he used the word 'cute' it almost made you recoil you weren't sure if he was possessed or if someone took his phone, but you went along with it anyway. There was a light knock on door letting you know he was ready. 

"You can come in, I'll be ready in a minute Minnie." 

"Actually its me." 

"Oh hi, you can come in I guess. What do you want?"

"So Seung was supposed to hang out with you today right but he told me something came up so he would have to rain check with you. Before you say anything yes I asked him why and he said he had 'stuff' to take care of. So he asked me to take you out." He says nervously as he looked down at the carpet. He's not exactly sure why but he jumped at the chance to spend the day alone with you when Seungmin offered, he wasn't even thinking about your answer but he knew he couldn't wait. 

"Oh. Just you?" You point at him up and down, you didn't mean it in a rude way, these past couple of weeks you've actually been able to sort of tolerate Felix. He did keep his word and has tried to prove himself to you everyday, whether it was him leaving little sticky notes on the bathroom mirror after he was done, sometimes even writing you a message in the steam from his morning shower. Frequently, you would come back and find a few petals on your bed and even flowers, each time a different colour some of the same flower and some different kinds, you ended up buying a few vases to put them in to add some femininity to your room. 

Some nights when you couldn't sleep you would meet him on the rooftop talking till the sun comes up. It was nice, you felt like you had your friend back, although you didn't want to make it to easy for him or admit it to yourself. You would occasionally still make snarky remarks but he never took it in poor taste just smiled at you with that sweet smile of his that slowly started to get to you. You didn't want to feel this way but these small things couldn't help but bring a small smile to your face.

"Yeah..." He sounded a bit disappointed that you didn't want to spend time with just him, which he understood. The two of you have never really go out on your own without the guys, you started to get quite close with Jeongin which really surprised you and spent a lot of one on one time with him, the same with a lot of the guys but this was different. It felt different. 

"Its ok, I get it. You still don't trust me yet, I don't expect you to." He hung his head low a slight sadness in his voice accompanied by disappointment.  "I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything so we can just wait for when the rest of the guys are free."

"Felix stop, its fine. I don't want to be stuck in the house all day, I want to go out and take pictures of everything the food, streets, building, cars, the river, the tree's and nature. I can't do that when I'm here, and I did say I would try my best to get used to you again, so lets go." 

"Let's go?"

"Yeah lets go, wherever you want. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm trusting you to take me somewhere but just for today." After that sentence his face immediately lit up, you wanted to giggle but kept it in. I hope I don't regret this.

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