Chapter 8

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You both sat in silence staring up at the night sky, it was quite and peaceful, that was before you grabbed a pillow and screamed your heart out into it. 

"Feel better," he questioned, the stars illumining his freckles not looking over at you to see your face still buried in the pillow waiting for you to let out another scream. 

"A little." The awkward silence between you two immediately returns, he only came up here because he started to get jealous and needed some space to think. You looked so beautiful it took his breath away, the way your hair perfectly flowed down your shoulders, the way the dress complimented your skin tone, in his favourite colour no less. The simple make-up was enough to perfectly contrast with the rest of your outfit, he couldn't find the words to describe the way he felt when he looked at you, it was a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time.

The jealousy started to bubble over when you linked arms with Chan, you where matching and everything, you both looked like a real couple. He started to get angry, he can't figure out why he keeps feeling that way every time your with Chan, but when he saw you with tear stained cheeks, your mascara spread all over your face in black streaks his heart started to shatter. What could have happened between you two, you two were thick as thieves. He wanted to ask what happened but it's not like you would ever tell him, not anymore.

He knows it's terrible to keep your emotions bottled up, he wanted to help you in anyway he could, he wanted to make up for what he did, he wanted to apologise but now wasn't the time for the reason. 

"Do you remember when we were kids and you would sleep over. How we would sneak out of the window and come to the roof to look at stars while we ate marshmallows. Mum would get so mad at us because we- "

"Don't do that," you bluntly stated.

"Do what?"

"Try to make me remember things with you. It's hard enough that we have to live under the same roof and share a bathroom."

"You didn't seem to mind this morning when you where staring at me. You couldn't keep your eye's off me as I recall. The you went all red and rushed out trying to hide it, it was quite cute."

"Oh shut up, its your own fault you should have locked the door."

"I usually don't have to so I forgot, but your the one who came in when the shower was running I know you heard the water."

"I did not. I just woke up and by the time I realised it was to late, ugh can we just forget that happened please." 

"Abbbsolutely not."

"Seriously? A pun, why are you like this."

"Why are you so easy to tease."

"I am not." You grab the pillow next to you and throw it at his head, you chuckle at the sight of his face. 

"It's nice to see that you still have that beautiful smile of yours."

"What are you talking about I smile all the time."

"Yeah but not at me, you just glare in my direction like you want to kill me. I get that you hate me still and I don't blame you but I want to try and change that. I want to show you that I've changed, we were just kids but I knew it was a mistake as soon as I said it. I know you said you didn't want to hear it and I've tried to accept that but even though I know you're not going to believe me I regret every single moment since that day, the things I didn't want to do I mean. I should have never said it in the first place, and I'm more sorry than you'll even know especially since everything you've been through that you told me. Not only that but you had to do it alone. It's all my fault and I take full responsibility for that and I'm never going to be able to forget it. The thing is though, I've really missed you, like a lot, I know it's not my place to say but it's the truth, I'm really sorry for everything. Everything I said to you back then was a lie, I think you're perfect just the way you were then and the way you are now even if I made you think otherwise." 

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