Chapter 15

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As you tried to do your usual tossing and turning of the bed you found yourself being restricted as you felt someone's arms around you. You look up to find that you fell asleep in Seungmins arms, your eyes shift around the room before something catches your attention. Your unsure but it seems like there is a shadowy figure leaning against the door frame blocking the way out with the door swung wide open, just hovering. 

"Well well well look who's finally up." All that the shadowy figure got in response was a serious of grunts and groans from the sleepy boy next to you. You blink a few times making sure your eyes adjust to the light, you shifted your body weight and managed to slip out of his grip and stretch out your arms and sit up before he collapsed in you lap still sleepy. 

"Morning Minho, did you sleep well?" You manage to say as a small smile appears on your face as you rub your eyes. 

"Morning Grace, I did thanks for asking, unlike some people who give me attitude." 

"Whatever, let me sleep." He grabs the blanket and pulls it over his body as you start to play with his hair waving his hyung away to leave him to sleep. 

"So are you alright?"

"Yeah I guess, depends on how you define 'alright'."

"Well we haven't spent much time together for a few days, want to spend the day with me?"

"Don't you have to go to the studio? I thought you were working on something with Chris?"

"Yeah but he said he had to help Felix with something so we rescheduled."

"Then yes I would love to, but I have to be back at six cause I told Binnie I would go to dinner with him and a friend." You said sort of excited and curious wondering what sort of day he had planned. You received I few groans from the boy underneath you as you realised you stopped rubbing his hair and he wanted you to continue.  

"Ok no problem sounds great." He says turning around to leave before quickly whipping his head back around. "Oh quick question."

"Yeah what's up?"

"Do you dance?"



"Um no only for fun to K-pop songs and stuff."



"Surprise, be ready in an hour and dress comfortably." He flashes you a small evil smile leaving your mind wondering as to what the evil bunny has planned. 

After about 10 minutes you start to shake Seungmin trying to get him off you, but he is to stubborn to move. After you countless failed attempts you finally flick his forehead causing him to flinch at the pain, you sits up and starts to rub over the slightly red mark you left, he gives you a quick death glare before you kissed the red mark, you took this as your opportunity to get up and leave.  

"Sorry not sorry Minnie, I'll see you later." You say as you wave bye to him as you leave his room walking over to yours. You hadn't spent much one on one time with Minho but you weren't scared which surprised you, you were actually excited. As much as he threatened the others and were scared of what he would do to them he was really sweet towards you. He tried to make you feel included and always asked what you would like for dinner if you had any recommendations, unfortunately you hadn't learned to cook so he said he would try and teach you. You also loved seeing all the pictures of his cats they were adorable and you could see the shine in his eyes when he talked about them, it was something you silently giggled to yourself about. 

"Right something comfortable to wear, do I want comfortable and cute or just comfy. Hmmm lets have a look." You walk over to your closet opening the doors it wasn't small but it wasn't exactly big either, it had plenty of floor space for your sneakers which was something you had pride in. 

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