Chapter 5

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As the door slammed shut the sound echoed throughout the room you where thrown on the bed, the walls where white but covered in posters in the left hand corner was a dark wooden desk with a PC monitor, keyboard, mouse, mouse pad and a few photo frames. The bed was so soft and fluffy that you bounced on it a few times as you fell. As you began to sit up his tall figure began to walk over to you and crouch down slighting touching your sore shoulder. 

"Ow, Felix what the fu-"

"Just be quite for a second. Take off your jacket and lift up your shirt."

"Excuse me?! I don't know what you think this is or where you got this insane idea but I'm not undressing for you so you can fulfil whatever your little sick fantasy is. If the message wasn't clear I want you to stay away from me I want nothing to do with you. Or did what I say not go through the thick skull of yours. Maybe your brain was to small to understand or maybe it's just me what did you say again. Oh right I have the intelligence of a breadstick. Do you want me to remind you of what happened a few hours ago do you need more of an explanation cause as I said that was just the tip of the iceberg."

"Look I'm- can you just trust me for a second please before you start yelling at me again."

"Trust you wow you really have lost your mind. I'll never trust you. Ever. But it's nice to see that you haven't lost your sense of humour no matter how terrible it is."

"Just ugh. I'm trying to help you."

"I don't remember asking for your help and I certainly don't need any from someone like you." You start to stand up before he pushes you back down.

"Yah what the fu-"

"Please just listen to me for minute, your shoulder is sore right?" he interupts.

"What's it to you and why do you care."

"I've said it like five times already I'm just trying to help you. It's been sore all day, every time someone touches it you always react like you're in pain. So just let me help you. You're still terrible at hiding how much pain you're in." Although he whispered the last bit you were still able to hear him.


"Great" he says in a cheery tone as he stands up he ruffles your hair and walks over to the bathroom, you were about to yell at him but something about the way he touched you was comforting. It felt nostalgic like how it used to, the way his hands ran through your hair. Yah what are you doing stop thinking about that. Now's not the time to be like that you have to bury those memories or burn them it's the only way. You moved on.

"Found it." He exclaims walking back to you with a tube in his hand. "Seriously you still haven't taken the jacket off, do I have to do it for you?"

"Don't be such a creep!" you go to smack his arm but he grabs your wrist and pulls you close. You can feel the heat start to rush up to your cheeks you haven't been this close to him in so long. His hot breath slightly brushing up against your skin heightening the sensitivity of your touch sending goose bumps throughout your body . His touch is still soft, firm but gentle his skin eased against yours. Your heart thumping louder and louder with each beat unsure if he's able to hear it the sound echoing throughout your ears. 

His face centimetres away from yours, you stare into his brown glossy eyes something about the shine in them brings you a sense of familiarity a sense of nostalgia you want to pull away but something is telling you to stay, to stay in this moment. Your eyes start to trace every feature of his face, his eyebrows are still their natural colour but more defined and prominent. His freckles are still the same spreading from one side of his face to the other crossing his nose, as much as you hated to admit it you had a weakness for freckles and his were certainly a soft spot, one you didn't know you still had. His nose was still cute and a button and the urge to boop it nose started to surface.

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