Chapter 18

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Its been about a week since your nightmare and it was hard to ignore it when you kept bumping into Felix they kept increasing and lasting longer than usual, the few hours felt like years, the boys did their best to cheer you up. Seungmin got you out of the house and took you to a open park where you could practise taking pictures to improve because in his words 'don't let me see you taking a picture like that again or I'll break your phone'. You weren't one to argue with him so he taught you how to take them properly and it really helped your adventure folder aesthetic. 

Jisung and you binged anime and k-drama's for two days to catch up on all of the shows you two missed, he even taught you to rap a little bit giving you a lesson every few days, Chan even took you to the studio and you helped him with a bit of writing. You didn't think it was good but the two of you wrote a couple of songs together just for the two of you to remember. He kept his promise and took you back to the arcade with just him and you, you got to play all of the games until the place closed. Although you were having so much fun somewhere deep down you just wanted to curl up and cry, its like the universe is torturing you constantly throwing the trauma back in your face over and over like some sick game. Your heart was hurting and you weren't sure how to fix it.

You spent time with all of the boys, Minho taught you how cook his famous beef wellington and took you to see his cats with Jisung, you and Hyunjin took few painting classes together you weren't as good as him put you definitely improved although you wouldn't call yourself an artist just yet. You and Jeongin spend a day at a puppy café taking so many pictures you wanted to take all of them home, you were overloaded by the cuteness and the adorable fox next to you wasn't helping. You did come home that day and do a mukbang were you ate so many Korean dishes you were getting sick just looking at another bowl of rice, whether it was delicious or not you've never eaten so much food in one go but you enjoyed it so much along with Jeongin who almost went into a food coma. 

You and Changbin went bowling and you never want to go with him again unless its with everyone. You were expecting a fun light game but he showed up with his own personal bowling balls and gloves and destroyed you, he wouldn't even let you have the barriers up so you tried your best but no matter how hard you tried your ball would always start in the centre and curve to the right always ending in the gutter. He didn't help all he did was laugh with that silly giggle of his and you couldn't help but giggle as well even though you were getting a little angry how he was doing so well. You did end up getting one lucky strike but after than it was single pins, he did buy you dinner afterwards though but safe to say you were a bit salty and didn't work out with him that evening. 

Today was meant to be a 'chill day' for you, you had a lot of things to think about and being alone was the best thing for that, all the boys were finishing up the final touches to their new album which gave you some me time. It had been a while since you were by yourself you thought you would enjoy the peace and quiet but you were really bored. You would usually watch some TV but you did all that with Seungmin and Jisung, so you just decided to clean up around the house for a bit and bake a cake. You hadn't done any baking in a while and you thought it would be a nice surprise for all the boys as a thank you for them being so welcoming. 

You took the chocolate torte cake out of the fridge and placed it on the cooling rack ready to add the finishing touches of whipped cream and ice it. As you were just about to dip your spatula into the icing you heard the twisting of a key turn in the door. You dropped everything and ran to the front door it hadn't been long but you missed their loudness, you saw Chris standing there with a bouquet of flowers. 

"ASTER!" You jumped on him ignoring all the things in his hand and wrap you legs around his waist giving him a tight hug as your arms link around his neck.

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