Chapter 4

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Chris drops you and the other guys off as he goes to park the minivan. You stare at the arcade in awe, it has three different levels each filled to the brim with different types of games ranging from the 90's to new releases this year. As Chris walks up you link arms with him and Jisung walking into the arcade you'd never seen one on this big of a scale before.

"Alright everyone Changbin and I are going to pay for everyone's cards if you run out of points then your refilling your own." Everyone hums in agreement.

"Make sure you're at least with one other person at all times ok?"

"Yeah yeah we get it Chan can we go and play games now." Jisung asks in anticipation about to bounce off the walls with excitement if he has to wait any longer. He places his hand on your shoulder and puts his weight on it slightly jumping up and down. You wince in pain at the unexpected weight on your bruised shoulder but no one seems to notice as they're all too excited to get started.

"Yeah go on have fun" the boys pair off into three different groups Changbin, Hyunjin, Minho and Jisung go to the second level trying to find some new games. Felix and Seungmin stay on the first floor playing the co-op games. Chris, Jeongin and you also stay on the first floor as he wants to explore the arcade with you.

"I swear these kids will be the death of me." He shakes his head in disappointment only hoping they will stay safe and not cause any trouble.

"What about me hyung?" Jeongin asks with concern.

"Especially you" Chris retaliates.

"What did I do?"

"Do I need to remind you what happened last week when we left you home alone and you almost burnt the house down."

"No..." He says as he hangs he head low.

You can't help but chuckle, you barley know them but their chaotic behaviour always lightens the mood to make you laugh. "Ok ok enough let's play some games please Chris." You hold his hand and pull him towards the first game you see basketball connect four. You look at Chris beaming with excitement.

"Grace no."

"Grace yes."

"Grace. No."

"Look it's ok to admit you suck at games there is nothing wrong with losing, I think it's very noble of you. Losing to the same girl five times in a row without fail. I'm not gonna make fun of you just because you haven't won a single time it's ok we can play something else." You start to walk away as you taunt him knowing his ego won't let you get away with it. Chris always said that he lets you win this game whenever you two had time to go to an arcade. It was a lie. Obviously.

"One game, all or nothing."

"Deal. Our usual stakes."

"Wouldn't have it any other way. Jeongin can you mediate and make sure she doesn't cheat."

"How can I cheat?! It's an arcade game it requires skill but clearly you don't have any."

You and Jeongin both burst into laughter as Chris takes the first shot and misses twice feeling the pressure get to him. He finally gets one shot in after seven missed attempts and as your about to shoot you feel someone's eyes on you. You ignore it but can't help but feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

After taking turns you set up the perfect trap you have two rows of three set up one extremely obvious the other quite hidden either way he's lost. Chris blocked your row of three smiling proudly as he is about to complete his row. You look over at him and smile with a slight smirk as you let go of the basketball and it completes your row.

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