Chapter 2

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You stumble back tripping over your own feet smashing your back into the front door. Your throat constricting as you feel a lump, your heart thumping louder and louder screaming at you. You try to speak but the words get caught in your throat. The walls start to close in as you fumble around searching for the door handle. He was there. He was right in front of you. It wasn't a dream this time it was real. He was real.

Your breath quickens gasping for air your lungs unable to contain the breaths. Tears started to form in your eyes streaming down uncontrollably like a river blurring your vision. One blink and the damn would break. Your legs start to shake as you begin to collapse, the door keeping you standing. Your body is numb. Your frozen. Run.

"Grace this is number eig-" he stops mid sentence as he turns in your direction his eyes widen seeing the state you're in. Before he can say anything else you rattle the handle pulling the door towards you and sprinting out. The guys call out your name but you can hear a thing it was just white noise.

You sprint down the street not knowing where you're going and at this point you don't really care. You feel the warmth of your tears streaming down your face as you're getting blasted by the freezing wind. Your long hair getting stuck to your face from the wetness of your tears. You bump into several people but that doesn't slow you down you just run. Run.

You don't want anyone to see you in this state. You don't know where you're going but you don't want to stop, you have to escape, you have to breathe. You run several blocks and across what seems like endless streets and pathways. An infinite amount of people staring at you as you rush past them. You finally come to a stop as you feel yourself about to collapse. You stumble over to a bench in the middle of a garden. You look around and there is no one in sight. Where am I? The bench was made of stone and was surrounded by a cobblestone pathway. The garden was filled with blooming flowers a plethora of colours and a few water features, with the perfect few of a river, the grass was so green it was like magic as the butterflies flew around the fountain in the centre. It was calm and quiet it was just what you needed.

You put your fingers on your neck only to find your pulse racing. You hadn't stopped to take a breath, your limbs started to burn realising just how far you actually ran. I did it again. I ran away. I'm a grown ass woman why am I still running from something than happened 10 years ago. From someone 10 years ago he probably didn't even recognise me and I just bolted out the door in front of all of them. Argh I'm such an idiot. That's it no more running, I have to face it. I have to face him.

You keep your fingers on your neck making sure to keep track of your pulse. Waiting for your pulse to go back to normal you let your thoughts run rampant for a few hours. You see the garden light up as if it was a fairytale. As you looked up into the sky you saw an array of blue, purple, pink, orange and yellow engulfed the sky. Its beauty taking your breath away. You reach into your pocket and pull out your phone to take a picture only to see 37 missed calls from Chris, 12 from Jisung and 18 from Seungmin. You take the picture and call Chris.

"Chris..." you sniffle knowing how worried you made him. "I don't know where I am or how I got here. So you think... do you think you could come and get me please."
"Of course princess, can you turn your location on?"


"I'll be there as fast as I can don't move."

After ten minutes you hear a russling in the bushes only to find Chris searching through the garden looking for you. He spots you and slowly approaches, crouching down in front of you wiping your last remaining tear. He pulled you in for a hug as he sat next to you. You felt your heart in your throat and burst into tears all over again. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to run away like that I just-"

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