Chapter 16

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The two of you took longer than expected at lunch, too caught up in your conversation to realise the time, it was now 4pm and you were driving to the unknown location that Minho kept teasing you about. It was a few streets from the Han river which was comforting, you knew where you were and now that your getting used to the city, you started to look forward to going out and exploring more since you sort of knew the way back.

The music was still blasting from the car as you wound the windows down, you put on your HYPE playlist and egged Minho to join you in the singing. You didn't think you had a good voice but you didn't really care you were having too much fun to care about what other people were thinking. After bothering him song after song he finally joined it but once you heard his you were enchanted by his vocals, it was so soothing and he made it look so effortless, you could feel the emotions he was expressing, even though his voice was so angelic you could tell he wasn't being serious and just messing around with you but it still took your breath away. You had only heard Chris, Jisung and Seungmin sing before each of their voices were so unique and beautiful in their own way, it was nice to see that you could be included in a little part of their world.

You turned off the music as you pulled up to an old looking building, the brick walls were stained yellow and the silver railing to the entrance turned a rusty orange brown colour, the stairs were covered with dirt and gum that stained the floor, some of it chipped away. The door looked old and the frame work would fall apart as soon as you opened the door, you looked at Minho with concern as all he did was roll his eyes. You slowly got out of the car your nerves coming to a head.

"Come on, I'm not going to try and kill you. Don't you trust me?" He asks walking backwards away from you.

"Right now I'm not so sure, the building looks like it's gonna fall apart and I'd rather eat pancakes than be one."

"Oh come on stop being dramatic you'll be fine, it'll be fun."

"Fine." You say reluctantly dragging your feet towards the building careful trying not to get your clean sneakers dirty.

"Hurry up, your acting like Hyunjin and I don't want to drag you."

"You drag me and I'll scream."

"You'd like that wouldn't you."

"I would ask why your like this but I already know the answer." You let out a deep sigh in defeat and walk into the building, Minho shaking the door behind you making you think it was gonna fall, he thought it was funny, you however did not. He whispers something to one of the people behind the front desk and grabs your wrist pulling you towards a room at the end of the corridor.

It was different from the exterior it was grey walls with white tile flooring and pictures of dance moves hung up throughout the place, it looked modern and newly remodelled . He leads you into a large dance room with light brown wood flooring and at the front there were massive wall mirrors from top to bottom, it wasn't a small room either, the size was impressive for how small the building was. You looked to your right to see Minho on the computer in the back of the room, you close the door behind you and walk over to him.

"Is this were you practise your dancing?"

"Yeah, we have our own little studio but sometimes I like to come here just to have fun, mess around, work on new things and express myself, and today your gonna join me." You looked at him in shock, you'd never danced in front of people before usually just in the mirror trying to learn the popular K-pop dances and some of them were hard and you could never get the right steps. You were always scared that you were going to trip over your feet and land face first into the ground, it was a deep rooted issue for you never trying new things if you thought you would fail and embarrass yourself even though there was no one around you, you were still scared.

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