Chapter 10

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It's been about a week since Chris and you last spoke, you ignored him in the hallway whenever you got the chance actively keeping your distance with him. It was a terrible habit you had, after an argument this big you needed space and refused to speak to the person who hurt you, being as stubborn as you could about the situation. Unfortunately, it was one thing the two of you had in common although you disagreed you always found a way to resolve it that ended in the two of you getting your way, a compromise of sorts.

You had been scrolling through your phone for quite a while after you went to 'bed' which was just your excuse to be alone. The boys had been quite kind to you over the past week taking you sightseeing and all the hot places to visit however you weren't prepared for the amount of stairs, if remined you to work on your cardio. Every night you did watch a movie or two together after dinner which was good bonding time for you to get to know all of them.

You and Changbin ended up going to the gym a couple of times you weren't so sure about working out in public but he reassured you that they had a home gym. He was surprisingly motivating and gave you some genuine advice but after your workouts you didn't want to move, he had to carry you back to your room a few times which made the both of you giggle.

It was 1am when you started to feel peckish after your intense workout with Changbin. You ended up walking downstairs to grab a light snack turning on as few lights as possible so you didn't cause a disturbance, some of the boys were trying to relax and others were sleeping. You quickly figured out that when Chris said 'soundproof' he meant slightly less noise gets through which you would have liked to know before the embarrassing situation.

Very slight, it was enough to keep a conversation private but not enough to stop music blasting through at full volume. As you open the cupboard beginning to scavenge you jump back and hearing the front door handle start to jiggle, you rush over quickly to the stove and grab the first thing you find, a wooden spoon. It wasn't the best choice but you had to go with what you got. You hide behind the wall to the entrance as the door slowly starts to open you hear the footsteps shuffle around before the door closes. As you rush out behind the wall you suddenly stop realising its only Chris, before returning to the kitchen. 

You ignore him like you have been doing and continue to look for your snacks, but as you glace back you notice something, maybe it was just your imagination or maybe it was just the lighting. He looked weak. Pale and weak, it was hard for you to see him like that you never really thought about how much it was affecting him. You watch him slowly stumble past the kitchen bumping into a few chairs not really paying attention to where he was going.

As you look up his eyes lock with yours, they look tired and heaving, even though its not bright you can still see the dark baggy circles underneath them. As you start to look at him closer you can see than he's lost some weight, he looks drained as he's walking around like a zombie.

"Did you eat?" That was the first words you spoke to him, you knew the answer but needed to hear him say it. There was silence from his end you weren't sure if he was still ignoring you or not, but as upset as you were he was still your best friend and you cared about him more than anything. You started to step closer but as you did you heard small sniffles trying there hardest to be contained.

You stood in front of him only to find his face in his hands and his body moving up and down in the same motion ever so slightly. He was crying. You grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face receiving some resistance before he reluctantly gave in, you wrapped his hands around your torso and squeezed him as tight as you could. 

"Its ok Aster you can cry. I've got you." You said ever so softly.

It was at that moment he let all of his tears out and slightly put his body way on yours before completely letting himself fall onto you. You slowly started to crouch down till you were both sitting on the floor with him crying into your lap. 

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