Chapter 21

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You finally arrived back at the house at 3pm the party was about to start in two hours and even though you just had the best day of your life but the night was still to come. You were really nervous but everything will be fine right what could possibly go wrong after all it's just a few people gathered to hang out nothing to be worried about right? 

Come on Grace you can do it, its only a few people its not difficult and your comfortable with them right so everything is ok. You look in the mirror smiling at your new earrings feeling the new metal on your skin bringing you a new sense comfort. I should really thank him for the gift, am I being too cold? Am I just being petty and overreacting, should I let it go? First though I should thank him for the earrings he didn't have to do that but he did cause he cares. I'm such an idiot I'm being so selfish right now I need to tell him. 

You hear the door open and find Felix standing there, a bright smile comes across your face.

"Felix I wanted to say thanks for the ear -" The door slams in your face you blink a few times as the smile quickly disappears from your face "rings." Although you feel disappointed what reaction did you expect  he said he wouldn't bother you and leave you alone, he gave you a chance and you ruined it and its not like you've done anything to deserve another one. 

There is a sudden knock at the door startling you, before you get to say anything the door opens to find an impatient Hyunjin waiting. 

"Oh hey Jinnie what's up?" You question walking out of the bathroom sitting on your bed. 

"Oh no absolutely not, this is a joke right?"

"What? What's wrong? Is there something on me?"

"Your clothes I don't think so. This is a party your not wearing shorts and a t-shirt to a party."

"Well what should I wear then? I have nothing else other than that blue dress and that's way too fancy I'll feel awkward."

"More than you already do?"

"Uncalled for but yes."

"Fine come on." He drags you to his room and sits you down on his bed pulling out a white bag with fancy writing.

"Wow Jinnie these paintings are amazing you did you do all of them?"


"Wow." You stare in amazement "Look at the ones of the ocean. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Make it look so rigid and rough, but bright and calming on the outside like an inner turmoil." 

"You want it?"

"No I couldn't that's too much."

"Take it. And wear this." He throws a playsuit 

"Hyunjin. Is that what you were doing when I.N and I were just walking around you went back to buy the dress."

"Yes. Now get changed everyone wants to know where you are I'll wait outside." 

You get changed into the white playsuit with light green flower patterns imprinted all over it you come outside and give Hyunjin a spin showing of the dresses and its flowy capabilities.

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