Chapter 22

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It was perfect weather the sun shining through the small airplane window flying through the clouds, it couldn't get better than this Jeju island a place you've always wanted to visit. A place where dreams came true and lost love was found. Honestly it didn't really matter whether it was sunny or raining all you know was that it felt right, being here in the moment where everything finally felt like it fell into place, that this was where everything led up to and no matter how much pain you had been through it was worth it or at least that's what it felt like. 

"You alright my angel? You've been staring at the window for 10 minutes." Felix asks you worried about how quiet you've been, he holds your hand and gives it a slight tight squeeze to let you know he's there for you. 

"Yeah I'm just really excited. I've never been to Jeju island before Chris has told me so many good things cause you guys have been here a bunch of times right? I bet it's even prettier than the pictures I've seen."

"Yeah probably, you'll enjoy the fresh ocean breeze it's not exactly like home but it will give you some nostalgia once you take it all it but still nothing is as pretty as you."

"You were doing so well how long was that? You just can't resist can you, 20 minutes without saying how pretty you think I am must be some kind of record for you."

"I'd break all the records in the world for you." You look at him with one eyebrow raised in disbelief. 

"Too much?" He asks with a little giggle and that adorable smile of his on his face, something you'll never get tired of seeing. 

"Yeah just a little, but I wouldn't change it for anything." You both laugh as you place your head on his shoulder snuggling your head closer into his neck, when you get comfy he puts his head on yours making sure you stay there.

"I've missed you Grace." He says with a serious tone something you haven't heard in a while. You remove your head and he looks into your eyes, you can see how genuine he's being the sincerity in his heart, it filled you with a comforting warmth that you missed.

"We've seen each other every day for like a week Lix and I've fallen asleep in your bed like four times this week and you've fallen asleep in mine-"

"You know that's not what I meant." He gives you a light playful shove pushing you back over fully to your seat.

"I know I've missed you too Felix, more than I can say so how about I show you." You finally squeeze his hand back and lean in for a kiss touching his soft baby smooth skin with your hand as you pull him closer to you.

"Not here my love, wouldn't want everyone to get jealous now would we." He winks, trying to be mysterious and flirtatious in one go but if anything you just missed his touch.

"Really, not even just a quick one?" You pout trying to tug on his heart strings to get him to give in.

"Really, looks like my angel is addicted to me already, looks like you're the one who can't resist." He smirks and leans closer to your face teasing you as much as he can knowing he can get away with it but that only makes you more determined.

"Shut up and stop teasing." You say in an annoyed tone but you both know your only joke. You continue to pout a little upset that he wouldn't kiss you but you understand after all you'd only been on three dates since you accepted his offer.

You already knew after the first one that you wanted to be with him, and you've spent everyday together either going on official dates or just hanging out you both enjoyed each other's company.

Felix rolls his eyes and sighs at you before quickly grabbing your face and giving you a light peck on the lips. It was short, gentle but also so sweet, you laugh and take a picture of him while he's blushing and make it your home screen.

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