Chapter 20

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Two minutes. Two minutes until your birthday starts. As tired as you are for some reason you just can't fall asleep, well that's not exactly true you know why. So many thoughts are rushing through your head you can't choose one to focus on, the white patterned ceiling enhancing your trance. The darkness of your room trying to welcome you into a depressive state, you see a small light come from beside you.

Who is texting me at this hour. What time even is it? Oh its my birthday another day I turn old ,another day of memories I wish to forget when will the pain end. Is it too much too ask if I just skip today this year and every other year after that.

You open up your phone smiling at the background of you and Chris at the arcade with food stuffed in his mouth something you always find yourself giggling at.

Thing 👻👽

00:00 - Happy 23rd birthday!
00:01 - I wasn't sure if I should send you this or not but its something we used to do remember?
00:02 - Your probably still out with Seungmin I didn't here you come in or maybe I missed it.
00:02 - I wanted to say it to your face but I was a bit scared you might ignore me and get angry or upset and I don't want to disturb you
00:03- I hope you sleep well if or when you go to sleep
00:03 - There is also a gift for you on your side of the sink
00:04 -Goodnight Grace, sweet dreams~

Ah what is he doing texting me. I can't believe he remembered what an idiot buying me a gift. Now I'm just curious, at least he knows how to keep me intrigued.

You throw the sheets off you and tip toe towards the bathroom careful not to make any noise as the door creeks open the quiet night making small sounds echo loudly throughout the house. You spot a small white box in the darkness as you grab it and go back to bed to open it.

You close your eyes as you open the box and open one eye scared to look inside, you see a pair of earrings. They're crescent moon shaped surrounded by stars in a ball of black crystal your not sure why but you feel a few tears starts to appear in your eyes, a blink causing them to drop down on your wrist.

"That idiot, he really knows the way to my heart every time." You put in the earrings and close the box, usually earring make you uncomfortable like something is tugging on your ear itching to break free however this time was different they felt comforting in a way. It was the same material as any other earrings right so why did they bring a sense of security and peace.


It was early too early, the bumps along the road harder and rougher than you remember it being, it could be one of only two reasons you were too tired and could feel the vibrations disturbing your sleep, or two the road was ripped up over night. It's probably just the latter right?

"Chris I love you, you know that right but its 8am why have you dragged me out on my birthday at 8am? Can't you at least please tell me where we are going, its driving me crazy you know I hate surprises when I don't know where I am." You plead nagging him for the thousandth time in the past ten minutes.

"Do you trust me?" He asks his eyes still focused on the road.

"Is that a serious question?"

"Are you gonna give a serious answer?" He looks in your direction tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"I'm a little insulted by the fact you even have to ask."

"Well then do what you always do and be a good princess and trust me." He smiles his dimples becoming deeper with each passing second still giggling to himself.

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