Chapter 6

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Before you know it, the light pierces through the black faded curtains that you don't remember closing. Both your arms wrapped around the brown plushie as your snuggled into your warm blankets. You stretch your arms and legs and pull off the blanket the warmth of your bed dissipating and met with a slight cold brisk breeze. You faintly hear sounds in the distance but brush them off unable to register what's going on around you, you hadn't had time to defrost yet. You slowly drag yourself to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead yawning on the way. The sound of the water splashing against the tiles should have been a massive hint to you, but you haven't had time to wake up completely. You manage to groggily wiggle the handle and open the door to find the heat and steam welcoming you spreading the warmth throughout your body. 

The shower comes to a halt as you rub your eyes and find the mirror full of steam, you wipe the steam off the mirror and start your morning routine, you grab your toothbrush as you turn on the tap. You look in the mirror to find Felix, his hair dripping wet, the droplets falling from every inch of his body with a towel around his waist. The blonde in his hair dampened allowing you to see the natural black of his roots peeking through capturing your attention. Your eyes widen as they start to trace the features of his body, you try to hold back your curiosity but it got the best of you, a quick glace did not go unnoticed by the blonde as he exists the shower. It was like a slap in the face as your eyes met in the mirror, it woke you right up and snapped you out of whatever delusion you were starting to think of. You dropped your toothbrush with your mouth still open unable to process what's happening. 

"Shit sorry." You slam the door, your cheeks flushed with a bright red quickly spreading to the rest of your face, the image still freshly imprinted in your brain. Damn. Why did he have to have a glow up, he was handsome before but shit that was something else. How has he become more defined, I guess that answers my question from last night he does still have his abs and they are... something. Why is every guy in this house so fucking handsome, like can you close the gyms so I can breath for a second damn. How can I look at him after seeing him like that?

You rush out your room still in your pyjamas to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Once you reach the kitchen you see Minho, Hyunjin, Jeongin, Chris eating breakfast, you a bottle of water and chug it down to ease the heat in your face and warmth travelling throughout your body. The three boys look at you in shock. 

"I thought you didn't drink water?" Chris questions curious of why your drinking the liquid you claim has no flavour. 

"Yeah I just got really thirsty." You clear your throat shaking off the image out of your head.

"Well Minho cooked some breakfast so grab some." he smiles pointing to the buffet before you.

You grab the pancakes looking for something light so it won't sit heavily on your stomach. You sit next to Hyunjin and notice he has a sketchpad out with a verity of painting and drawings. 

"Wow, they're amazing your so talented."

"Oh thanks, its nothing much just a hobby," he says as he scratch's the back of his head at the sudden compliments.

You and Hyunjin engage in a small conversation about art, you took an interest in it once, but school politics ruined it for you and lost passion for it, but his artworks you couldn't help but be drawn to the small details and how each line and curve was highlighted by the artwork as a whole. The colours perfectly contrasted each other illuminating the key features in the piece. One by one the members came down to join you for breakfast at the table, each in their own conversations it was chaotic but peaceful at the same time. 

You look up from his sketchbook for your eyes to meet with Felix's, he looks at you with that smirk on his face, you where embarrassed but he seemed to be enjoying your torture. Your eyes locked and you darted your gaze to anything but him the image still in your brain. You suddenly went red and quickly consumed the rest of your food trying your best to avoid any eye contact. 

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