Chapter 14

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You open your door on your way to Seungmin's room, as you sneak a few doors down hoping to avoid the one person that happened to be coming up the stairs, Felix, how unlucky can you be. He could barely look at you, if you could call looking in your general direction looking, he just kept his head down. He would usually give you a small smile whenever your eyes met, it was something you didn't realise you needed until now, it had only been a few hours but you missed his smile, you didn't realise how much it meant to you until it was gone.  All you could do was stare, when he looked at you his eyes didn't have the same warm glow capturing you attention, the look dull, dark, sad, empty and hollow. You wanted to say something, apologise, you know how he felt, or at least you think you did, everything was so confusing and the bath didn't help as much as you hoped. 

You opened your mouth to say something but he just quickly looked away, you felt a slight twinge in your chest, but you knew it was nothing compared to the pain you just caused him. Maybe it was better this way, even though you were both hurting one more than the other, it would only last for a little while. Could you even trust him still, how were you so sure that what he meant this time was genuine, he voice sounded it but anyone could fake that right. 

You turned to Seungmin's door bringing your hand up to knock on the door before it slightly opened to see him smiling before his face dropped as he shut the door again throwing his body weight against it preventing you from opening it.

"KIM SEUNGMIN YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID." You yelled, your voice growing in anger drawing the attention of the boys from throughout the house. You continued to bang on the door waiting for him to open it, as you saw the handle begin to move, you started to force your way into his room and swung the door open before quickly shutting it behind you the slamming sound echoing throughout the hallway leaving the boys who came to investigate puzzled.

You quickly snap your head around to see the brown haired boy stumble back on the bed with a weak smile and nervous demeaner. Your eyes filled with a burning anger as you turned your body to face him almost as if you were staring him down. 

"Oh hey, what's up?" He asks as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand, his voice getting higher in tone avoiding any eye contact with you. 

"Don't you act all casual with me, like what you did wasn't wrong." Your steps getting closer with each sentence. 

"No idea what your talking about." His eyes continuing to shift around his room trying to ease the still air. 

"Don't play dumb with me. I'll talk to you about that later, I need your advice with something."

"How come you don't ask grandpa?"

"Because if I did he would blow a fuse and start screaming and might attack a certain someone and me considering the idea of dating caused him to well, you know you were there, and if I tell Ji well let's face it as much as I love him he's a gossip no matter how hard he tries not to be, he'll just tell everyone and I can't deal with that right now."

"Well I suppose that's true, so did something happened between you and Lix?" He raises his eyebrows his tone increasing in curiosity, 

"How the fuck did you know that."

"I know everything." He smirks patting the bed signalling for you to sit down beside him. 

"You little- Can you just listen and help me."

"I don't see the problem I thought it went well?" You sit down beside him and fall backwards sinking into the mattress.

"Well obviously there is a problem if I'm here."

"Don't get snarky with me." 

"Sorry, I really fucked up this time and I don't know what to do."

"Tell me what happened."

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