Chapter 24

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As you reach the bottom of the hill huffing and puffing to catch your breath you see Chris walking down slowly chuckling at you. As he walks past you to the car he fixes your hair which looked like it had been struck by lightning and kissed you on the forehead.

"Come on princess you should at least try and get a little bit of sleep we've got a big day ahead plus I think Lixie will be worried about you, you know how he gets."

"You let me win didn't you?" You ask barely able too form the question, this was one thing you hated about South Korea the stairs and cardio.

You jump in the car and get comfy using the seatbelt as a headrest but nothing could get you comfortable enough to feel tired, you went to your last resort and leaned over the center console and put your head in Chris's lap before passing out.

Why do you always have to look so cute when you're not even doing anything. Come on Chris get a hold of your feelings, snap out of it. 


"Hey Princess, wake up." You slightly groaned at the sound of all the voice throughout the house barely able to hear his voice.

"Aster is that you?" He hums in response trying not to disturb you too much.

"It's 9am, come on we have some places to go before we go out to the beach remember we have a whole day planned."

"10 more minutes, please." You manage to get out not really understanding what your saying before you grab him and pull him onto the couch with you.

You remember falling asleep in the car but your sure he put you to sleep on the couch, getting angry at people really takes it out of you.

"You guys get ready and we'll leave in 10 yeah. Minho could you pack up some of the breakfast and Grace can have it in the car when we go, she'll be hungry."

"Yeah no problem, should only take me a minute anyway I'll do it after I get changed."

"Thanks and Felix I need to speak with you." He freezes in place as he knows the conversation he's about to have.

"Uh yeah sure what's up?"

"I can't believe I'm asking this, you like her right?"

"Yeah hyung me and the guys do she's great."

"Felix just because your blonde doesn't mean your dumb. Plus she told me."

"Of course she did, why wouldn't she."

"Don't get mad at her yeah, I kinda tricked her into telling me. Why didn't you say anything you know you can always come to me for stuff."

"Yeah I know it's just." He bends down stroking her hair and running circles with his fingers in her palms. "She's been really hurt and I just wanted to make sure she was ready and she was ok before any official, I really don't want to hurt her. She means so much to me I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell her but she... I just don't want to pressure her you know, if she's not ready I'm just being cautious. I don't want to ruin anything before it's even started." He explains admiring you as your asleep in Chan's arms wishing it was him holding you.

"What's with you two and taking everything so slowly and cautiously, it's a relationship for fucks sake take it seriously. Look we're going to maze-land today and we'll be picking tangerines and then we were gonna have a look at the botanical gardens so you two can sneak off when we are done picking tangerines then you can go on a proper date for like an hour or three. Cause we planned to have a beach afternoon as long as your back at 1pm."

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