Chapter 26

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You were always like that, whenever you got upset or angry and needed some space you would just shut down. Your put your walls back up and keep them close wanting to be left alone, you and your thoughts. Especially now, it wasn't an emotion you were used to feeling it was starting to mix in with anger and you just needed to calm down. The ocean always helped with that the pushing and pulling of the waves it drew you close, hearing the water hit the sand was like rain hitting the roof, calming it cleared your head and helped you think.

You could hear the footsteps in the sand behind you, trying to be quiet but failing. 10 minutes and he was still there to scared to speak knowing to leave you alone like this, but the conversation you were both avoiding needed to be had, and with your emotions running wild was now really the right time. 

"Go away. I just wanna be alone I'm sure you have someone else you'd rather chase after anyway." Your own words stung you, 'someone else you'd rather chase', it was true, no matter how much your heart dropped they still rung true. 

"What? There is no one what are you talking about. Did I do something to make you think that?" He asks still trailing behind you trying to keep up as you started to speed up. 

"Just leave me alone seriously I'm getting frustrated thinking about it."

"Grace why can't you just-" 

"OK SERIOUSLY FELIX WHAT IS YOUR ISSUE DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME. LEAVE ME ALONE." That was it. You snapped. You yelled at him something you didn't want to do, you just couldn't take it anymore the pressure, the lies, all of it with no answers. You said to yourself it wouldn't bother you, that you didn't want to know but the longer it's been the more answers you needed. The emotions that you had been bottling up all came rushing to the surface ready to explode with the next word.



"YOUR THE ONE WHO'S BEEN FLIRTING WITH YEONJUN." Suddenly all the tension was exploding both of you screaming at each other still avoiding the issue at hand.

"FLIRTING?! The hypocrisy right now is crazy as if you weren't flirting and laughing like she was a damn comedian." You scoff, trying to calm yourself down, before you stopped dead in your tracks. 

"Who the fuck are you talking about?" 

"That blonde girl."

"Oh her."

"Oh her." You mock, "I thought things were going well with us..." The sound of pain in your voice cracking it trying to swallow the tears you felt forming. 

"They are." He grabs your hand turning you around and looks into your eyes as he smiles, acting like everything was ok. You hated that, people like everything is fine when its not but its not like you were one to talk you did it all your life. 

"Then why? I know weren't not exclusive or anything but..."

"I- well it wasn't intentional"

"Oh yeah because letting her touch all over your arms and everything and laughing for no reason at whatever she's saying isn't flirting intentionally. I know what I saw. How hard it is to say sorry I'm with someone or sorry I like someone else." You take your hand back folding your arms and turning back around your lip began to quiver the emotions starting to take over you again. 



"Oh Yeonjunnie come and take me away from here so we can be alone." He mocks holding his hands together and kicking his leg backwards in the air.

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