Chapter 23

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It has been several hours now since you arrived at the house and the storm still hasn't passed, so much for the exciting beach day you had planned. After settling down and unpacking you things, and the boys deciding who gets what room, you just finished watching dinner and a movie with them and you all decided to play drunk truth or dare with alcohol of course because it's not vacation if your not drunk or making bad decisions.

"Hyunjin truth or dare." Changbin asks, the drunkenness had finally started to set in and this was where all the good stuff was going to happen.

"Wait, before I pick I have a question. Do you think its called sand because its between the sea and the land." You all look at Hyunjin with the same face, disappointment and you mentally face palm yourself but what else did you expect you love him but sometimes he's just so... Hyunjin. 

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that. I'm serious it's a genuine question." He takes another large gulp of alcohol as if he did nothing wrong.

"Do you ever think before you speak?"

"Seungmin play nice." Chan slaps the back of his head lightly trying not to hurt hum too much but enough to get his point across. He rolls his eyes and leans back on the floor propping himself up with his elbows.

"Yes Hyunjin hyung, that is exactly why it's called sand." Seungmin responded rolling his eyes so far back in his head they might as well be stuck there.

"Ok, good cause I was also wondering, if a plane crash lands in section B and the people on board are from A, B, and C where do you bury survivors?"

"Well would you bury them from whatever section they're from. Duh" Minho says confidently before finishing off his drink tossing it at Changbin to catch. 

"Yeah but who's responsibility would it be." Jisung joins in as much as you would like to think the alcohol has effected their judgment it has only seemed to encourage it. 

"Well the families would have to decide right, you know like next of Kin or whatever."

"You're all dumbasses." Seungmin says before receiving another slap to the back of his head. 

"Well what's the answer then smart guy." All three of them turn to him searching for the answer as everyone else just ignored them. 

"You don't burry survivors, I really hope my life won't be in either of your hands. What a bunch of idiots. And can you please pick something, its not called question or dare. Other people would like to play as well actually just pick dare you forfeit truth." You all agree and dare Hyunjin to walk down the street and take something from the convenience store.

"Ok ok while he does that it's Grace's turn right. Truth or dare?"


"Ugh what a wimp."
"That's rich coming from a loser like you MinMin."
"Look who's talking idiot hoe"
"Says the brainless bitch looks like all the hair dye went to your brain just like Seungmins did."

"Ok ok that's enough you two, relax just ask the question."

"Fine, lame answer lame question. Do you believe in soulmates."


"Woah that was quick. Want to go into deeper detail?"

"Yeah princess, I thought you did."

"I used to but I don't anymore..."


"Wow your all so nosy. I used to, I used to think at the right time there was always someone for somebody that everyone had someone waiting for them but that's not true. People can have more than one soulmate, and when I thought I lost mine I didn't really want to look for another one."

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