Chapter 17

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You could hear and smell the burning tyres leaving short black streaks in the street before coming to a sudden stop. It wasn't the smoothest ride you'd been on but it was definitely one of the worst, it was the constant jerking of the car and sudden increase in speed that left you wondering if you had any seatbelt burn causing you to check every inch of your body to make sure your still alive.

"Holy shit Changbin you almost killed us!" You yelled finally happy that the sickness in your stomach stopped as well as the car.

"Its fine."

"Excuse me are we in the same car?! You almost crashed! Thrice!"

"Don't be dramatic." He says as he takes off his seatbelt.

"Oh! So that old lady halfway already across the street that we almost hit was in the wrong, along with the car coming towards us while WE were on the opposite side of the road like we were playing a game of chicken. Also the cars driving the speed limit unlike someone who was basically on top of them honking the horn like a lunati-"

"Look I got us here didn't I? Its only 6:29pm so we still have one minute to get inside and we are parked in front."

"Only because you cut off the guy who was reversing in and almost crashed into him so that's four times. I thought I was going to die."

"You're here in one piece so stop complaining and lets go I'm hungry."

"That means absolutely nothing to me your always hungry."

You both exit the car and enter the restaurant. It was nice and quite there wasn't too many people which was good considering how loud Changbin could be especially when he has good food in front of him. It was something you got used to and you had come to love, you weren't used to the loud noise so in a weird way it comforted you it made you feel like you could be yourself without any judgement. On the other hand you wanted to sit somewhere that didn't involving moving and staying in one place your not even sure if you could keep down the food considering that your insides felt that they were on the outside and would be if he drove back like that.

You walked to the back of the restaurant were a tall man in the last booth was sitting, you couldn't quite see who it was as his back was facing towards you but you did notice his orange hair. It was bright and vibrant drawing your attention, he stood up and turned around and was met but a half hug and dap up by Changbin, you didn't get a good look at his face until he looked up at you.

"Grace?" He questions.

"Yeonjun is that you?" You reply.

"Your Changbin's friend?"

"Yes, hi how are you?"

"I'm good."

"I see you dyed your hair a new colour."

"I did, I did. I had the blue for a while so I was thinking of changing it up, what do you think?"

"I think it suits you, I think it makes your eyes pop more, it really draws you in and makes you have a good look at your face."

"Stop it your so sweet." He replies a bright smile appearing across his face.

"I'm sorry do you know each other, have I missed something?" Changbin interrupts.

"Oh sorry Binnie I met him when I went out the other day."

"We met yesterday."

"It was yesterday?!"

"Uh yeah." He chuckles in surprise.

"Sorry I've had a lot on my mind recently."

"No problem my offer still stands if your up for it."

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