Chapter 12

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The sky was still bright blue barely any clouds in sight the light fluffy ones was easily pierced by the sun illuminating the atmosphere. You were so immersed in your surrounding you didn't notice a tall handsome boy approach you.


"Oh hello."

"What's a beautiful girl like you sitting here all alone."

"Oh um I'm just waiting for my- uh someone to finish grabbing us some food."

"Is it ok if I sit here while you wait for your someone." He giggles.

"Yeah I guess."

"My names Yeonjun, its very nice to meet you." He puts out his hand, waiting for you to grab it. He had beautiful silky blue hair with streaks of black running through it, his eyes looked dark and mysterious but the more you looked the softer they became. His thin clear glasses resting perfectly on his nose as if it was drawing you in to look closer at his features. Although he wasn't exactly close to you, you could still see how soft his skin was not a flaw in sight, you tried your hardest but you were etched to his lips, they looked so soft and plump, he was definitely attractive. 

"Grace." You shake his hand accepting his offer, you talked for him for a few minutes, he also was in a group with four other people called Tomorrow by Together or TXT.

"Wow, your all really attractive."

"Thanks, if you need someone to show you around the city I'd be happy to."

"Aren't you busy?"

"Yeah but I can make time for you."

"I just might take you up on that."

"Yeonjun lets go." A voice called from the crowd.

"I have to go, I hope to see you around."

"I would love that, see ya."

"Bye." He flashed you a smile as you waved him goodbye as he walked into the crowed joined by four different guys who you assumed where is members.

"Who was that?" Felix said as he came from behind you with an unpleasant look on his face.

"Someone who sat next to me." You shrug.

"You don't talk to strangers."

"Well usually that's true but he was a cute stranger." He didn't seem to happy with your answer.

"Don't talk to other guys."


"Don't talk to other guys, here are your fried doughnuts."

"Thanks, lets go on a few more rides."

The two of you spent the next few hours exploring the park and winning all sorts of prizes from food, toys to gift cards. Some of the rides you knew Felix didn't want to go on but nevertheless he still went on them with you even when he was scared, it was quite entertaining for you to see his face afterwards he'd never been so happy to be on the ground. You went from the outside in leaving the last ride available before the park closed, a lot of people had already left which made it a lot easier for you. Although there was a lot of people it didn't really bother you as much as you thought, it didn't really make sense to you but it was better for you to live in the moment. 

There were a lot of couples lined up at the Ferris wheel it wasn't exactly something you wanted to see or be apart of, it was really awkward to watch you'd rather just leave but you'd never been on one before and it was a good a time as any to experience these new things. 

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