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Being a businessman is not really easy. There are a lot of things to handle while being a businessman.

So my daily routine is not that special . I usually wake up at 7 in the morning and after freshning up.

I hit to the gym and meanwhile I'm doing my workout the members of my house wake up and started doing their routines.

My mother is usually making breakfast when I come back. My father sitting casually on his chair reading newspaper while waiting for his breakfast.

My sister scrolling through her phone while sitting next to my father on his left. Meanwhile I'm sitting on his right and my father is sitting in between us.

Me: Mom how much more time, I'm hungry!.

Mom: Coming!
She said while coming towards the dinning table and serving us the breakfast and sitting beside Khushi my little sister.

After breakfast we all headed towards our respective rooms to resume our routine.

I started getting ready to go to my office. I put on a white shirt with black cotand a matching tie with black pants and shoes .

Meanwhile Khushi gets ready to go to her college and my father comes with me as he is the Ceo of SINGHANIA'S company. But soon I'm taking over this position.

First I drop Khushi as her college is in our way to office and then me and dad head to our company.

After that we are headed to our respective rooms assigned to us.

Avinash: Good Morning Little brother.
He said while entering my room.

Me: Good Morning Mr Trouble Maker.
I said while looking at him.

Avinash: Hey don't call me that.
He said while pretending his offended.

Me: Early morning you came to my room just to bicker with me Avi?
I said coming to the point.

Avinash: Absolutely not, I came because...

Me: Because?

Avinash: Because.. I wanted to know about your health, yeah how are you doing?
Saying this he sitted himself opposite of me.

Me: I'm doing absolutely fine, nothing has happened to me and you can now exit the room so that I can work.

Avinash: You are so rude.
He scoffs saying this.

Me: I know that Avi.
I said while chuckling at his childish behavior.

Avinash: Okay fine, I'm leaving.I also have work to be done. See you at lunch then.
He said standing up from the seat.

Me: Yeah I'll see you.
I said while resuming my work.

At Lunch Time

Avinash: You are 25 and soon going to be Ceo of this company and mature enough to handle situations, when are you going to get yourself a partner?.

Me: Well, that's a tricky question. But I'm really not interested to get myself a partner and I will see about it after becoming the Ceo.

Avinash: So when are you becoming the Ceo?.

Me: I also don't know when but my father said that once he feel tired of working and then he will hand me the position to me.

Avinash: Good to hear that.
He said while eating his lunch.

We did our lunch and resumed out work then moved back to our respective houses.

Me: I'm home.
I said while entering my house.

Mom: Go and freshen up yourself  and come fast dinner is ready.

Me: Okay, just coming in 5 minutes.
I headed towards my room after telling mom and came back soon to eat dinner.

After dinner I walked towards my room. I checked my phone for some time while laying in bed  and dosed off  after some time.

__________End of Pov______________

I hope you like it.

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