TRIP!? (Part 1)

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Ada Pov:

I woke up with headache, looked around and found myself in my room how?. Frowning I walked downstairs for breakfast.

Ada: I really have started liking Amaan, will he apologize to me for what he did.

Amaan: He also likes you alot, so he will definitely apologize for what he did.
He said and kissed her forehead sweetly.

Memories of last night flashed through my mind. What was I even telling him? and he said he likes me too!!?.

But that's not the point here, why does his ex says she loves her even after their break up. The thing that hurted me more was not her ex but him.

When she was telling him that she loves him, he could have defended himself by saying that he is already engaged. I don't expect him to love me but at least he can tell it in front oh his ex.

My thoughts were interrupted by my dad.

Dad: Ada, I was thinking ke why don't you and Amaan go on trip?.
He said eating his breakfast casually not caring that the person in front of him is shock.


Me: Why.. I mean dad I have clients to attend.
She exclaimed angrily but quickly hide it.

Dad: Oh! , that I already took a 1 week leave for you.
He said making her eyes widen.

Me: 1 week!!. Isn't it too much for a trip?.

Dad: No, you can know each other well during the trip.

Me: We known each other enough.
I said whispering to myself.

Dad: I already booked the hotel and you are going to lonvala tomorrow.

Me: Tomorrow!!.
I was literally so shocked right now.

Dad: Yes, pack your bags and be ready.

Me: Does Amaan know this?.
I said confirming and my dad nodded his head.

Dad: He was the one suggested this idea to me.

Oh!! I understood his plan, but I'm not that easy to get boy😉.

Me: Dad, my friends are also coming with me on this road trip.
I said smirking thinking at about my plan to ignore him.

Dad: Well, aren't you two enough to go alone in this trip?.

Me: I think Amaan will not have any problem in it, besides he can also bring his friends with him.

Dad: I know he will not say anything, but I expected only two you to go.

Me: It will be fun when there are more people dad.
I said and stood up to leave and to go to my room and pack.

I came back in my room and called my girls immediately.

Me: Hey, girls I have an announcement to make.

Avni: What announcement? Are you pregnant!!. Oh my god!! Amaan is gonna be so disappointed, what have you done Ada?.
She exclaimed hyping up and making me more furious than I'm already are.

Me: Avni, shut up girl.

Ritika: Yeah shut up, and Ada you tell is everything alright?.

Me: No, nothing is alright. Me and Amaan are going on a trip tomorrow.

Avni: How is that a problem sweetie?.

Me: Cauze I don't want to go with him alone after what happened last night.

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