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Both of the houses are preparing for their children's engagement.

Meanwhile someone is back in town.

At Malhotra's House

Mrs Malhotra: Ada!!!, wake up fast.

Ada: Ahh, Mom why?

Mrs Malhotra: What why, you are getting engaged today. Get up.
She said shaking her shoulders.

Ada: Mom, can't I get engaged tomorrow.
She said pulling the covers on her face.

Mrs Malhotra: No, you can't. Now get up fast you have to get ready also.

Ada: Okay, I'm up.
She said and sat up on the bed yawning.

Mrs Malhotra: Okay, Get downstairs after getting fresh and you have an appointment at the parlour.

Ada: Okay.
She said getting up and making her way towards the bathroom to fresh up.

Mrs Malhotra: Come fast have breakfast.
She said when she saw her daughter coming down stairs.

Ada: Mom, I have only two legs to walk not 4 that I will come faster to you.
She said making her way towards to eat.

Mrs Malhotra: Yeah, whatever eat and go to the parlour.

Ada: I will, but send bhai to pick me up then.

Mrs Malhotra: I will, and also he will bring you directly at the venue.

Ada nodded and finished eating and existed the house to go.

At Singhania's House

Mrs Singhania made her way towards her son's room only to find it empty.

"Today also he has to work".she mumbled to herself.

And walked out to the living room.

Mrs Singhania: Aaj bhi office gya hai yeh(Today also he has to attend office).
She said to her husband who is peacefully eating his breakfast.

Mr Singhania: He will come, don't worry.

Mrs Singhania: What, he will come. He should have been here with us.

Mr Singhania: What will he do, being here. Doing his makeup or wearing jewelry?. He is a man, he will get ready in seconds and also on time.

Mrs Singhania: He could have helped me instead. Fine, leave it.

Mr Singhania: You have so many servants to help you yet you want him to help you instead?.
He said looking at his wife who is dialing someone's number.

Mrs Singhania: You wait, Hello Amaan.

Amaan: Yes, mom.
The other person spoke.

Mrs Singhania: Where are you?.
She said making her husband smack his head with his hand.

Amaan: At office.

Mrs Singhania: Why are you there?.

Amaan: To work mom, for what else purpose I will be here?.
He said now being pissed off.

Mrs Singhania: Shouldn't you be here instead?.
She said making the other person regret his decision of picking up the call.

Amaan: I will be there on time mom, Byee.
He said quickly hanging up.

Mrs Singhania: What, wait.
She didn't got a chance to complete her sentence as the call was ended.

Mr Singhania: I told you.
He said continuing to eat his breakfast only to receive a glare from his wife.

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