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A few weeks later.


Little Ada: Hey, what's your name?

? : I don't have a name.

Little Ada: Then, how will I call you if you don't have a name?

? : You can call me anything you want Ada.

Little Ada: You know my name?.

? : You are soon going to be mine, then how will I not know your name.

Little Ada: Huh!.
The little girl didn't understand what he said to her.

? : I heard your friend calling you once.
He pointed towards her friends playing in middle of the garden.

Little Ada: Okay, then I will call you jojo is that okay with you?

? : Okay, as you wish.

Mom: Ada! Ada!!. Wake up.

I woke up with a jerk in my body caused by mom.

Mom: Ada, what happen beta why are sweating so much?.

Me: Mom he will kill me mom!.

Mom: No one will Ada, it was just a bad dream. I'm here with you.

I hugged her despite the fact that I was so scared but didn't try to show it to mom.

Mom: You come down after freshning up yourself okay?.

I just nodded my head on her statement.

I was so shocked to know that my dad knows about my boyfriend and which made me more shocked is he also wants to meet him.

Me and Arnold D'souza meet few months ago exactly when I started working at the hospital.

He also worked over there where I joined but soon after he shifted to another hospital. He was actually a surgeon and he also has done psychology. He is very talented.

He worked there for about 6 months and when I joined he was there with me for 2 months.
The way he behaved with me was different than others.

The first half month we just got  attracted to each other equally.
Small talks, meeting, bumping into each other sometimes.

But then he proposed me and I was bit hesitant but I thought to give it a try.

He was taking efforts in this relationship as same as me. He brought me flowers and chocolate whenever he visited me or when we meet.

I thought its a good idea to introduce him to everyone in my house and soon our engagement can be done as he is going to Canada after a week.

I dialed his number and he picked after 4 ringing.

On Phone

Hey, Are you free
I wanted to talk something.

Oh yeah, Sweetie tell me

My dad wanted
to meet you.

Oh! You already
told them about us.
(He said sounding shock).

Yes, I told them
why you don't want
me to tell them?.

No, Absolutely not
i just thought its a bit early.

Okay, so come on
my place tomorrow
at 1 for lunch as its weekend.
you have time na?.

Of course sweetie
i always have time for you
I will be there on time.

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