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Day 1.

The outside view was really beautiful as they are getting ready to go picnic on a place which is known by Amaan.

Ada: Amaan have you been here before?.
She said looking at him who is busy brushing his hair in front of dressing table.

Amaan: Not really, but I have been here few times with my friends.
He said looking at her through the mirror.

Ada: Oh!, with whom have you been here before?.
She said jokingly coming towards dressing room to stand behind him.

Amaan: I have been here only with my college friends.
He said swiftly pinning her against the dressing table.

Ada: Is that include Avi and Riki.
She said breathing heavily bcz of their closeness.

Amaan: Yes, it does.
Saying this he moved closer to her face and she closed her eyes anticipating in it.

But when nothing happens she opens her eyes to see him spraying his perfume and he looks at her with 'what' face and she replys it with a glare and walk past him.

There was a knock on the door. Ada goes to check who it is.

Avni: Hey, are you guys ready?.
She said once the door opened revealing Ada.

Ada: Yeah, we are almost ready. You guys wait for us in the lobby okay?.
She said looking at Amaan who is  trying to hold his smile and then back at Avni.

Avni: Okay, we will wait there.
She said and Ada closed the door and came in back near the bed.

Amaan: Are you really gonna wear that?.
He said eyeing her up.

Ada: Yeah, why am I not looking good?.
She said checking her outfit in the mirror.

Amaan: Looking good?. You are looking gorgeous in this. I'm having a hard time here.
He said looking at her and whispering the last part for her not to hear.

Blood rushed through her cheeks making it pink which was really noticeable to Amaan.

Ada: Thank you.
She said in low voice and quickly grabbed her things and walked out not able to look at him.

Amaan: Cute.
He said and exited the room after grabbing his car keys and wallet.

Ada's Outfit

Avni's Outfit

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Avni's Outfit

Avni's Outfit

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