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On Wednesday

The Singhania and Malhotra family is now sitting opposite of each other fixing the dates according to their will.

Mr Malhotra: Let's do the engagement in these week and then the marriage after 2 months. So that we can get time to prepare.
He said keeping his point of view in front of his friend.

Every one looked at each other and then back at the father of the son.

Mr Singhania: Yeah Okay, Let's fix the date for upcoming Saturday  for Engagement.

The going to be couple looked at each other and smiled meaning they agree and everyone else looked at them smiling and understood.

Mrs Malhotra: Okay, then the date is fixed.
She said everyone got happy.

Mr Malhotra: We also have request.
He said looking at his friend to proceed.

Mr Singhania:Yes, go ahead.
He said assuring him.

Mr Malhotra: Ada wants to continue working in the hospital after getting married.
He said and Amaan looked up at her but she kept her gaze to the floor.

Mr Singhania: Okay, I have no problem. Although Amaan is already working and earning enough but if Ada also wants to continue working, I have no objections.
He said and looked towards his son for confirmation.

Amaan: I also don't have any objections.
He said looking at Ada who is now smiling widely looking at him.

Mr Malhotra: Also, we have another thing to tell.
He said looked at his daughter in law and son then his wife to continue.

Mrs Malhotra: My daughter in law is expecting.
She declared happily looking at everyone.

Mrs Singhania: Oh my god!!. Congratulations.
She said hugging Mrs Malhotra and then Swati.

Mr Singhania: Congratulations brother.
He said hugging his friend and then Nikhil.

Amaan: Congratulations bhai and bhabhi.
He shook his hands with them.

Nikhil & Swati: Thank you everyone.
They said and seated themselves again.

Both the families is now seated on the chairs to eat their lunch and proceed their conversation of random things.

Akash stands up with his plate to keep in kitchen. Seeing this Amaan also stands bcz he is also done he follows Akash and they both keep their plates in the sink.

While all the other are absorbed in their conversations

Amaan: Hey, Akash.
He said a bit awkwardly.

Akash: Hello bhai.
He said and was about to leave when he stopped him.

Amaan: Arre wait, I have something to ask you.
He said scratching back of his head shyly.

Akash: Yes, bhai say.
He said not knowing what his  sister's fiance intentions are.

Amaan: Can I get your sister's number?.
He finally said not knowing what reaction he will get.

Akash frown at Amaan's question before answering.

Akash: Why do want Di ka number?.
He said crossing his hands over his chest.

Amaan: Cause I'm her fiance.
He said frowning more.

Akash: So, you can ask her.
He said and was about to leave again but.

Amaan: Wait, I can't ask her it will be really awkward maybe.
He said not knowing what else to say.

Akash thought for moment and answered him.

Akash: Okay, I'll give it to you.
He said agreeing with him.

Amaan: Thank you, I will tell her that you gave me her number.
He said making him nod his head.

Both of them came back and seated themselves again. Ada looked at them both smiling and frowned but decided to let it go.

__________The End_____________

Next update will be posted  tomorrow. Only this week you have to bear with me from the next week I'll try to post everyday leaving weekends.

Thank you for reading ❤.

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