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Amaan's life is going same as before. But today he was invited by his friends to attend them at club.
As one of his friend is back from US.
So he got a text from Avinash his friend.

On the phone

Hey Amaan, today Riki is coming from US. You wanna come and meet us in the club?

I will see coming I have
lot of work to do today .
I'm going to be the CEO
next week dad just told me.

Oh nice, but pls try to come ha
Riki said that he wants to meet you.

I will try to come.

Okay, if you are coming then come at xx place on 8.

Okay thank you .

Avinash and Ritvik are childhood friends of Amaan. Avinash's dad and Mr. Singhania are best friends, so their sons knew each other.

As for Ritvik they both met in high school and from then they both are buddies and through Amaan he also met Avinash.

All three of them are together for 5 yrs now. Ritvik was gone to  continue his study in US. He always comes back for 2 months as he gets a small vacation every year.

This year is a bit stressing for Amaan bcz his dad has told him that he is gonna resigned and soon his son Amaan is taking the position so cuz of this he very busy than usual. But for his buddies maybe he can get some time.

He tried doing his work quickly.
It was already 7 so he wrapped up his work headed to his house to change.

At Singhania's House

Mrs Singhania: You came back early.
She said as she saw his son entering the house.

Amaan: Yeah, today Ritvik is back so they are inviting me to come.

Mrs. Singhania: Oh, good but don't stay out late. You have to go office tomorrow.

Amaan: I know that.
Saying this he headed towards his room to change and go.

 Saying this he headed towards his room to change and go

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(Imagine it to be this☝)

After changing he drove off to the location. Soon he reached the place and was invited with loud music playing and people dancing.

Avinash: Here!.
He waved his hand towards his friend.

Amaan then walked towards his friends sitting on the chairs drinking something.

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