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I agreed to my parents only this last time but I was shocked when I heard we are going to see the daughter of Mr Malhotra.

I knew her from childhood bcz my dad sometimes took me with him while going out with his friends.

I didn't talk much to her but I know her a bit which why I was interested in this proposal.

I don't know if she remembers me or not but I do.

We were welcomed by her father who was now hugging my dad. We exchanged greetings and entered the house.

The house was pretty spacious but not that big.

We were seated on the sofa opposite to the couch where Mr Malhotra's family was sitting.

My dad asked his friend that how is he doing and meanwhile I was just looking around.

My dad introduced me and Khushi and we exchanged greetings again with Mr Malhotra.

Then I looked around to find someone certain for whom we were here.

I scanned the whole living room but didn't see anyone then my eyes laid on girl peeking through.

The moment I saw her, my heart skipped a beat and she just disappeared from my sight.

Until her mother called her. Ada!!!.

Such a beautiful name.

Ada comes from the kitchen with a tray in her hand I assume from where she was peeking and started serving tea to us.

I really can't take my eyes off of her.

She first gave it to my dad keeping her eyes lower then my mom, Khushi and then me.

She gave me the cup of tea slowly still keeping her eyes on the floor.

When I didn't took it she looked up to me and I took it from her purposely brushing our hands.

I saw how her cheeks tinted pink when I did that she smiled shyly and sat beside her mother.

Ahh!!. She is so cute.

Nikhil: So, what work do you do?
Her brother asked me looking serious.

I diverted my attention from her to answer.

Me:I'm the Ceo of Singhania Company. After my dad retired, I took the position.
I said clearing all his doubt that he have maybe.

Dad:He worked really hard to get this position, I didn't give him this position bcz he is my son but I wanted him to achieve it and he did.
He said smiling looking at me while I smiled back at him.

Knowing he already completed half of my dream.

Dad: What do you do Ada beta?.
He asked making me curiously look at her.

Ada:I.. Um... I'm a Dermatologist. I work at the hospital.
She said glancing at me.

Dad: You are a doctor?.
He asked appearing confused.

Me: Um.. You can say that as I work in hospital.

Oh!!. I'm getting a partner who is a doctor as she says nervously.

Mr Malhotra: I'm also going to retire soon and hand over the company to Nikhil.
Her father said chuckling receiving another chuckle from his friend.

Dad: Yeah, good why stress yourselfs as we have become old now.
He said looking at her father and son

Mrs Malhotra: Don't you think the kids should talk separately?.
She said looking at my her husband sort of asking permission.

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