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Ada's Pov:

After the ring finding ceremony, everyone cheered for me while Amaan has cute pout on his face the entire time.

Mrs Singhania: Okay, Ada today will be your pehli rasoi(first time in kitchen).
She said and I nervously looked at her.

Mrs Singhania: So, as breakfast is already done so you have to cook for lunch then.
She said and everyone looked at me while she was talking.

Khushi: I'm sure she will cook amazingly like she won a few minutes ago in the ring finding.
She said and I just didn't meet anyone's gaze.

Mrs Singhania: I also think the same.

Why do you think the same? . Don't expect too much it's not good.

Mrs Singhania: So for lunch. Cook Biryani(indian dish) and for drinks roohafza(a rose flavor syrup) is good and for desserts just make kheer okay?.
She said looking at me while I was struggling in my brain to remember whatever she said just now.

I nodded my head and she left.

I glanced at the watch it showed 11 means I have 2 to 3 hours to cook for lunch.

Oh my god!! How am I gonna cook?.

When I don't even how to cook?.

What will I do now? My mother in law will be disappointed in me.

What will Amaan think of me?.
That her wife doesn't know how to cook? Shit.

I quickly searched the recipes online and took mental notes on how to make it.

Amaan: What is my wife watching?.
He said entering the room where I have been sitting on the bed searching how to cook.

I quickly hide my phone below the cushion and sat up straight.

Me: Nothing.
I answered looking at him while he narrowed his ocean blue eyes at me.

Amaan: What are you hiding from me?.
He said coming towards me.

Me: I said it's nothing.
I said put my weight on the cushion to hide it from his view.

Amaan: Show me.
He said searching towards me.

When he didn't found anything he started tickling me.

Me:Ahh! Amaan, stop.
I said in between my giggles but this man my beloved husband is not stopping anyway.

Amaan: First show me, what are you hiding.
He said still tickling me.

Me: Don't you have office?.
I said trying to struggle under his grip.

Amaan: I'm the Ceo, I can go whenever and whatever time I want to.
He said and my giggles were not taking a break.

Me: Okay, I'll show.
I said having enough today.

Amaan stopped and sat beside me.

I removed my phone that was under the cushion and showed it to him.

Amaan: Why were you hiding this from me?.
He said making me sigh loudly.

Me: I was actually watching the recipes as I don't know how to cook and I didn't wanted you to see that I'm watching how to cook bcz I don't kn-
I was interrupted by him.

Amaan: Listen, first of all I already know that you don't know how to cook and second of all never think that I will be disappointed in you that you were watching how to cook or in anything else. I know that you are working woman and you didn't get time for all this and third of all never hide anything from me wifey.
He said resting his hand on my cheek looking at me with loving eyes.

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