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Avinash: Go and search where the shoes are. They won't be able to keep it from us.
He said to Ritvik and he nodded his head and moved away to find it.

Khushi: I found the place.
She said looking excited.

Avinash: No need for that now.
He said looking at the couple who is now seated back.

Khushi: Why?.

Avinash: Bcz we don't have the shoes anymore.
He said looking at Khushi who is probably stunned right now.

Khushi: What?! How?!!!!.
She exclaimed loudly looking at Avinash.

Avinash: That I will tell later, now we have to find the shoes.
He said and walked away from the Mandap with Khushi beside him.

Ritvik searched behind the stage, near the stage, in their cars and near where they were standing before.

Khushi: Did you find it?.
She said looking at Ritvik who shook his head in No.

While Avinash was looking at the girls who is smiling widely at them struggling to find the shoes.

Avinash: Check under the tables.
He said and all three of them rushed to check.

Seeing Team Amaan checking under the tables Team Ada got panicked.

Ritika: We have to do something before they find the shoes.
She said seeing how they are checking each and every table.

Avinash was searching everywhere and stopped near a table to rest a bit leaning towards it.

Avni: Already tired, baby.
She said coming out of nowhere keeping her hands on Avinash's chest smiling fondly at him.

Avinash: Not so soon, babe.
He said looking at her in amusement.

Avni: How about I tell you where it is?.
She said to him eyeing Ritika to take the basket from the table they were standing.

Avinash: No, thank you. I will find it myselfs.
He said and was about to move when Avni grabbed his tie pulling him close.

Avni: Why so hurry? .
She said gripping his tie so that he cannot see Ritika taking the basket from behind.

Avinash: You know what, we like this is making me suspicious.
He said looking at her intensely pointing at their closeness.

Khushi: Shoes!!!!!.
She screamed loudly pointing her finger at Ritika when the cloth slipped from the basket while taking it out.

Avinash, Avni, Akash and Ritvik looked where Khushi was pointing her finger.

Ritika saw and quickly started running looking Khushi coming towards her.

Ritvik: Where are you running off to, love? .
He said smirking at Ritika who bumped into him while running from Khushi.

Ritvik snatched the basket from her hands.

Ritika: Give it back.
She said trying to take the basket from his hands but he kept it above his head.

Ritvik: Not so easily.
He said and she struggled jumping to reach his height where the basket was.

Ritika: Ahh!!!.
She said suddenly sitting on the ground holding her ankle.

Ritvik: Riti, what happened.
He rushed towards her innocently not knowing her intentions.

Ritika: My ankle.
She said holding her ankle while pretending hurt.

By the time Ritvik has kept the basket on the ground beside where Ritika was laying and seeing this Ritika eyed towards Akash to take it.

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