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It has been 6 months to their marriage and Ada is expecting.

Ada: Oh my god!!!. I'm pregnant.
She squealed to herself in her room.

Ada took the pregnancy test and the result came positive.

Ada: I need to tell Amaan.
She said and picked her phone up but stopped.

Ada: No. I should surprise him when he comes home.
She said to herself thinking how to surprise him.

She thought to bring kids clothes with note I'm coming soon, daddy written on it in box like a gift.

She smiled to herself keeping her hand on her belly.

Ada: Let's go and surprise your, dad.
She said walked downstairs to inform others except Amaan.

Mrs Singhania: What!!.
She said not believing what she heard.

Ada: Yes, you heard it right. I'm Pregnant.
She declared once again and her family congratulated her showering their blessings on her and baby.

Ada: I'll tell my mother about it.
She said excused herself to call her mom.

Ada: Hello, mom.
She said when the someone picked the phone.

Mrs Malhotra: Hello, yes Ada beta. How are you?.

Ada: I'm completely fine mom.
I called you to inform something.

Mrs Malhotra: Why is everything alright?.

Ada: Everything is alright in fact perfect. I'm pregnant mom.
She said and the other person on call was shock and happy at the same time.

Mrs Malhotra: Oh!. I'm going to be Nani(grandmother).
She exclaimed loudly and Ada chuckled bcz of her mother.

Ada: Yes, mom. Also how is Vivaan?.
She said asking about Nikhil and Swati's son who is 5 years old now.

Mrs Malhotra: He is good. I'll tell the news to other.
She said squeaking at her.

Ada: Okay, mom. Take care.
She said to which her mom replied her 'you should take care too'.

Ada is now getting ready to go to the mall for shopping to surprise Amaan.

She informed her in-laws that no one will tell the news to Amaan. And she is going to surprise him.

Ada drove off to the near by mall and started shopping.

Ada: This also looks good and this one also.
She said looking at a blue color t-shirt and then at red color t-shirt.

Ada: I will get this, as it's has daddy on it.
She said and picked up the blue one.

She got the clothes and note packed like a gift box and waited to catch her breath sitting near a shop. She was resting there but a distance there these  guy who was continuously staring at her but she ignored it but then he came up to her.

? : Are you Ada Malhotra?.
The same guy said who is around his twenties stopped in front of her asking her.

Ada: No, I'm Ada Singhania.
She said and ignored the guy who was wearing a mask.

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