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Ada Pov:

All the men sat on the chairs while all womens was in the kitchen to bring food.

My mom served everyone and then sat beside her husband's right.

I was beside Akki and  his left was seated Arnold.

Nikhil Bhai and Bhabhi was seated beside dad's left.

We started eating without exchanging any words.

I glanced at my dad and Arnold looking intensely at each other. I lowered my gaze to the plate and started eating silently.

This is not what I imagined it to be. I said in my mind.

Everyone finished eating lunch and was heading back in the living room. I saw Arnold whispering something in my dad's ear.

His facial expressions completely changed when Arnold came in his position again.

No one paid attention to them but I was noticing everything.

Arnold: I have an appointment to attend at 3. Do I have your permission to leave now?.
He said looking at my family who was ready to ask another set of questions.

Mom: Yes Beta, You can go.

Nikhil: We will see you in a while.
He said looking at his dad who not speaking anything.

Arnold: Okay then, Thank you for this lunch uncle and aunt.
He said while moving towards the entrance of the house to go.

Mom: You're Welcome beta.
She said smiling.

After he was gone my dad rushed towards his room without looking at anyone. My mom also walked behind him.

Nikhil Bhai looked at me and then headed towards his room with his wife.

Akash: Everything will be fine Di.
He said smiling towards me and walked back to his room.

I walked towards my room and changed my clothes in to comfortable one.

I was thinking about Arnold's behaviour while laying on bed.

Why did he behaved like this?
He is not like this with me.

He didn't liked my family?

What did he said in dad's ear which made his face red?

Is not serious about me?
If he is then why he behaved like this in front of everyone?

I slept thinking all the possible questions behind his behavior.
~~~~~End of pov~~~~~~~

In Mr & Mrs. Malhotra's Room

Mrs Malhotra: You didn't like him did you?.
She said coming towards her husband who has not spoken anything till now.

Mr Malhotra: I don't know. I didn't understand anything.
He said finally looking ar his wife.

Mrs Malhotra: What you didn't understand?

Mr Malhotra: I can't figure out if he is the one or not for my daughter.
He said sighing loudly.

Mrs Malhotra: She loves him and he loves her so he is the one for her.
She said making her husband look at her who is not understanding anything.

Mr Malhotra: What I understand now is, he is very suspicious and I cannot give him my daughter.

Mrs Malhotra: I don't think so.

Mr Malhotra: But I do.

Mrs Malhotra: He seems a nice person to me and he also loves our daughter.

Mr Malhotra: It is love or something else.
He whispered to himself.

Mrs Malhotra: I think we should talk with Nikhil as well.

Mr Malhotra: Yeah, I also wanna hear what he has to say about this boy.

Mrs Malhotra then knocked on the room of her eldest son with her husband. Swati opened the door and gave space for them to enter.

Nikhil: Mom & Dad?
He said looking confused.

Mr Malhotra and his wife seated on the bed with his son and daughter in law in front of them.

Mr Malhotra: What do you think about Arnold?
He said while looking at his son and his wife.

Nikhil: He seems a bit suspicious.
He said looking at his dad.

Mr Malhotra: I also think the same.

Mrs Malhotra: He is nice boy.
She said looking at her husband and son who is talking with their eyes now.

Swati: Yeah.
She said agreeing with his MIL.

Mr Malhotra: I cannot marry her with him.

Nikhil: Seems right with me.
He said agreeing with his dad.

Mrs Malhotra: But why?.

Mr Malhotra: Bas maine bol diya na, no further questions.

Mrs Malhotra tried to convince her husband but he was not listening. Her son and his wife didn't dared to speak after hearing Mr Malhotra.

Mr Malhotra: Tell Ada tomorrow about this.
He said to his wife and daughter in law to inform about the current situation going on.

The couple exited the room of their son's and headed to sleep.

Next Day

Ada was coming down stairs to do her breakfast and her mother was cooking while her Bhabhi was helping her.

Her dad was seated on the chair waiting for breakfast with his two brothers on opposite side of each other.

She headed towards the kitchen to see what's cooking.

Swati: You are awake.
She said when she saw Ada coming towards them.

Ada: Yes.

Swati looked at her MIL to say something.

Mrs Malhotra: Ada beta, Why did you woke up so early on Sunday?

Ada: Meri aankh khul gyi jaldi,so I came.
She said answering the question.

Mrs Malhotra: Agar tu uth gyi hai, toh tujhe ek baat bolni hai.
She said looking at Ada then Swati.

Ada: What happened Mom?
She said being confused of what is going on in early morning.

Mrs Malhotra looked at her daughter in law for a second and she nodded her head for assurance to continue.

Mrs Malhotra: Your dad said NO to the boy.
She said making Ada completely stunned.

Swati: Mom tried convincing dad but he is not listening.

Ada: But why is he doing like this?
She said still shocked.

Mrs Malhotra: I don't know, he strictly said NO.

Ada: But Mom, I love him.

Mrs Malhotra: I know beta, but your dad isn't convinced with this relationship.

Swati: It's Okay Ada, everything will be alright.
She said rubbing her shoulders who was about to cry.

Ada rushed to her room and shut the door loudly.

Laying on her bed she covered herself with blanket and started crying silently.


She is broken now.

_______End of part 2____________

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