TRIP?! (Part2)

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Ada Pov:

He really like to get on my nerves nowadays, why does every girl who sees him talks with him.

Well, I can't blame them my fiance is really handsome and mine.

I walked over to him who is trying to avoid the girl in front of him.

? : Well, hey handsome.
She asked and he didn't answer.

? : Are you single Mr?.
She again asked and got ignored by her.

Me: Unfortunately no miss, he is already taken.
I said making the girl look at me with wide eyes and then at Amaan.

? : Oh!, well bad choice then.
She said looking at me then back at Amaan eyeing him.

Me: You know what will be the bad choice now, if you keep standing here and talking with him.

? : I'm not scared of you.
She said laughing madly.

Me: Look, I have no intention of sparing you either if you keep talking bullshit.

? : You bitc-

Amaan: Control that tongue of yours miss.
He said interrupting her.

Me: Who the fuck are you,talking to my fiance?. Just move already.
I said gritting my teeths and slightly pushing her aside.

I grabbed Amaan's hands and moved towards our table where our friends were sitting.

Avni: Did you again got into a fight?.

Me: All these girls are getting on  my nerves these fucking days.
I growled looking at her and then Amaan who is trying to hold his smile.

Ritvik: Are you smiling bro, here your girl's temper is up and you holding your smile?.
He whispered looking at Amaan.

Amaan: She looks so hot, when she gets jealous.

Ritvik face palmed internally.

Avinash: She literally growls like lioness, I'm scared of her now.
He said whispering looking at the girls who is trying to calm Ada.

Amaan: She gets jealous on every other girl that tries to talk to me, I kinda like when she come up to me.
He said smirking at his friends who is now probably thinking him as a psychopath.

Ritvik: Bro, she is still upset with you and after what happened now will make her more upset.

Amaan: Yeah, right. What should I do now?.
He said coming back to his senses.

Avinash: Did you apologize for what you did?.

Amaan: No I didn't get time to. You all were with us all the time, I thought to take her alone in this trip but she invited her friends which resulted me to call you both shitheads.
He said smacking their heads.

Ritvik: Well, I'm very glad that Ada told her friends to come with her.
He said looking at Ritika who is now smiling talking to Ada.

Avinash: True, bro.
He said keeping his hand on his chin and looking at Avni only to get smacked by Amaan again.

Amaan: Oh! lovebirds, first help me here.
He said making them look at him.

Ritvik: See, bro take her somewhere else alone when we reach to our destination and apologize simple.

Avinash: Yeah, take something with you that she likes and gift her to make her happy.
He said patting Amaan's shoulder.

Amaan: But, I don't know what she likes or not?.

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