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After a few days.

Ada: Yaar mujhe shaadi nhi karni abhi(Friends I don't wanna marry).
She said in a video call with her friends.

Avni: Toh mat kar!(Don't do then).
She said from other side of the phone.

Ritika: Kya mat kar, sun tu if you don't want to do now then tell them to wait.( What don't do, you listen).
She said making her other friend shut her mouth.

Ada: What if he reject me after I tell him to wait.
She said being nervous.

Avni: Maybe.

Ritika: You shut up Avni, no nothing like this will happen. Do you really want to marry him?.

Ada thinks for a moment before answering them.

Ada: I really want to, there is no reason for me to reject him. I think I should tell them a yes before they change their mind.

Ada is afraid that after getting married she won't be allowed to work at the hospital anymore and that's what she is discussing with her best friends.

Ritika: If you think like that you can tell them straight away.
She said assuring her friend who is really stressed out.

Avni: Yeah, I hope he is not a bastard like Arnold. Or else he will be dead of me.

Ada: Okay Riti and Avni I see you later and thank for cheering me up.

Ritika: We are always there for you Ada.
She said smiling at Ada.

Avni: We have always got your back girl!.
She said winked at her making Ada chuckle on her behavior.

Ada: Byee Riti and Little Mafia.
She said chuckling and ended the call.

After talking to her besties she walked downstairs to her family who is seating together watching TV.

Her father said her "that you can take as much time as you want to decide to marry him but I really like him and by his sudden answer he also does, I hope you don't disappoint me and his family and especially Amaan". The choice is hers now.

Ada seated beside his father and tried to start a conversation.

Ada: Dad.

Mr Malhotra: Yes, Ada beta tell.
He said diverting his attention to his daughter.

Ada: Itsayesfromme.
She said it in one breathe.

Dad: What? Can you slow down a bit I didn't understand anything.
He said appearing confused.

Ada took a deep breath ignoring her pink cheeks and focusing on what is she gonna say.

Ada: I want to marry Amaan.
She said looking at her dad which seems stunned all of a sudden.

There a minute of silence then the whole house went noisy.

Dad: Really, Congratulations beta.
He said hugging his daughter.

Mrs Malhotra who was still stunned came back into her senses btw everyone is stunned with her answer.

Mrs Malhotra: Congratulations Ada beta, thank you for accepting it. I was really worried for your answer but I'm not anymore.

Swati: Yay!!! Finally.
She said being really excited.

Nikhil: Calm down, you will hurt yourself.
He said trying to control his wife

Swati: I have to make an announcement too.
She said taking all the attention towards her.

Mrs Malhotra: Yes, beta tell.
Her mother in law said to her being curious.

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