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Ada was sleeping peacefully and Amaan was grazing at her sleeping face lovingly.

Amaan: What are you doing to my heart that it starts beating so fast around you?.
He mumbled lowly while removing a strand of hair from her face which was blocking his view.

Amaan: Today I'm gonna surprise you so be prepared.
He whispered kissing her forehead and moving to freshen up and leave for office.

He took out  a navy blue shirt and paired it with black pants. Wearing his watch from the side table that is near the bed he took a last glance of his wife and left taking his car keys and wallet.

Ada woke up just to find a cold and empty side beside her.

She blinked her eyes adjusting to the light.

She sat up on the bed now awake fully looking around to find Amaan and found a note on the side table.

She picked it up in her hands and  a smile made its way on her face reading it.

Good morning, wifey. I'm sorry that I'm not present beside you don't look for me here and there. I had to leave early bcz of my work that is waiting in my office. Take care❤.

She kept the note back and left for the bathroom smiling like an idiot.

She came back and made her towards their shared closet and found a note there.

Today, I have planned something for us and it's surprise for you. You will get to know it after a few hours till then do your breakfast and don't be clumsy. Bye❤.

She read the note and again smiled like an idiot thinking about her husband.

Ada: He is so cute.
She said taking some clothes and left from there to take a shower.

Ada walked downstairs to have her breakfast with her family.

She was just casually laying on the couch as she took a leave from the hospital as her wedding was also there and Ada being Ada took 2 days more even after the wedding day.

The door bell ringed and Ada said that she will see who is there.

She opened the door and there was a man standing with a box in his hands.

? : Are you Ada Singhania?.
The man asked her.

Ada: Yes.
She said looking at me.

? : This for you, pls sign here.
The man said handing her a parcel and telling her to sign on the paper.

She signed the paper and took the parcel inside while frowning.

Her phone buzzed on the couch  where she was laying. She answered the phone quickly looking at the name it showed.

Ada: Hello.
She said while smiling for third time today.

Amaan: Hey. Did you receive the parcel?.
He said making her understand who send it.

Ada: Yes, what is it?.
She asked looking at the parcel in her hand.

Amaan: Find out yourself.
He said and she nodded her head my keeping the phone on the couch and putting it on speaker.

She opened the parcel hurriedly as her curiosity was killing her now.

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