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Amaan's car made squeak sound when stopped at the airport.

Amaan: Let's go.
He said and Ada nodded her head.

Both of them stepped out of the car making their way towards the airport.

Ritika: Ada!.
She said and came running to her, hugging her.

Ada: It's okay, relax.
She said patting her back who is crying.

Ritika: I don't want him to go.
She said and more tears rolled down her eyes.

Ada: He have to go Riti, but he'll come soon for you.
She said and tried to calm her down.

Avni: I'm also telling her the same thing. But she doesn't listen.
She said coming towards them.

Avinash: Hey, bro.
He said doing their bro handshake with Amaan.

Amaan: Where's Riki?.
He said looking around.

Avinash: He is coming in few minutes.

Amaan: Means we are here before him, Wow this guy is late at everything. I hope he doesn't get late on his wedding or else the bride will run with someone else.
He said looking dead serious making Avinash laugh.

Avinash: True.
He said and looked at the girls who is calming Ritika.

Amaan: I knew this is going to happen.
He said directing towards Ritika who is crying.

Avinash: I also predicted this, Riki also can do nothing in this situation. Love has no control over ourselves.
He said crossing his hands over his chest looking at Ritika who has calmed down now.

Amaan: Love really has no control over ourselves.
He said looking at Ada while Avinash looks at Avni.

Ritvik: Hey, guys.
He said coming from behind them. Seeing him Ritika quickly wiped her tears and looked at him with an emotionless face.

Avinash: Finally, you are here.
He said looking at Ritvik who has his eyes fixed on Ritika.

Amaan: Come on, time is running.
He said making him come out of his trance.

Ritvik walked towards Ritika before stopping an inch away. Avni and Avinash were standing beside each other while Amaan and Ada was standing beside them.

Ritvik: I'll be back soon, so don't be worried for me. I'll eat on time and will call you once I reach there.
He said and hugged Ritika securely.

Ritika: Don't you dare make any girlfriends there or I'll kill them.
She said hitting his chest little while hugging him making him chuckle.

Ritvik: Okay, I will not do such things bcz I only love you, jaan.
He said and looked at her with genuine eyes.

Ritika: I also love you. So take care of yourself there and only study there.
She said narrowing her eyes at him while he kissed her cheek in reply.

Ada was side hugging Amaan while looking at them from behind.

Avinash and Avni was just looking at both the couples time to time.

Ritvik: Okay, now I have to go. Take care of yourself and don't get too emotional after I leave from here. You know na I don't like seeing tears in your eyes, meri jaan.
He said holding her in his arms while straight looking into her glistening eyes.

Ritika: You also take care of yourself.
She said and he nodded his head before moving towards Amaan and Avinash.

Avinash: Come back soon.
He said hugging him real quick.

Amaan: Don't be goofy.
He said and hugged him and he nodded his hand.

Ritvik took one last glance Ritika and disappeared from their sight.

Seeing him go, Ritika collapsed on the ground crying hysterically.

Avni and Ada rushed to her side holding her.

Ritika: I want him back.
She said crying hysterically while holding Ada's hand.

Avni: He'll come back soon Riti, don't exhaust yourself crying.
She said looking at her.

Ada: Yeah, calm down Riti.
She said and Ritika eventually calmed down.

Both of them took their leaves saying goodbye to their friends after being convinced by Ritika's condition.

Ada: She loves him alot.
She said looking outside of the window.

Amaan: He also does the same.
He said focusing on the road while glancing beside him.

Next Day.

It was a beautiful morning like any other day.

Ada opened her eyes finding no one beside her.

Ada: Where is gone today?.
She said sitting up straight on the bed while looking around to find her husband.

It was Sunday today and Ada wanted to spend time with his husband but guess he has other plans.

She found a note on the side bed which she picked up smiling.

"Good morning, sunshine. I'm going out to bring something for you and don't get worried for me I'll spend time with you only today as it's weekend. I'll be back soon, love".

She read the note while smiling like an idiot. And walked towards the bathroom.

As she was getting ready standing in front of the mirror the sound of unlocking the door was heard.

Amaan: So, my wife is awake and already ready to spend time with me.
He said entering the room with a plate in his hands.

Ada: Yes, hubby.
She said and looked at him.

Amaan: Here. I made breakfast for you.
He said and she looked at him surprised.

Ada: Wow, you cook very well.
She said taking a bite from the plate.

Amaan: One more thing is left to give.
He said and she looked at him with her curious eyes.

He pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind and handed it to her.

Amaan: For my dear wife.
He said and she blinked her eyes. Once. Twice. Looking at him.

Ada: Thank you so much for the breakfast and flowers.
She said and quickly pecked his lips making him surprised.

Amaan: If I knew you would do this, I would have brought the whole shop for you.
He said and kissed her again gently and softly.

Ada: I know. I know...
She said chuckling at him after breaking the kiss.

You have captured my mind, my heart, my soul, now I know.
You are the one I'm waiting for.

______The End_________________

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