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The life of Ada and Amaan's were same as before but in a few days she is going to turn 23 means her birthday is there.

In her house the preparation is going wildly and all members in the house is very excited to celebrate her birthday.

Meanwhile she is still in the hospital attending her clients and  bcz of this her family is getting more time to prepare for her birthday.

Nikhil: Ada will be here in an hour we need to decorate the house as fast as possible.
He said while decorating the living room.

Swati: Yeah, your right.
She said while cooking in the kitchen with her mother in law (aka Ada' mother).

Mrs Malhotra: We are almost done cooking her favorite meals here, what about you Beta.
She said while putting the food on the plate gracefully.

Nikhil: Mom we are almost done here decorating the room only the balloons are left to put.
He said while blowing a balloon.

Mr Malhotra: Where is all the gifts?.
He said while searching in the drawers.

Mrs Malhotra: It is in her room.
She said while coming towards her husband.

Mr Malhotra then walked in her daughter's room to see that all gifts are scattered on the bed.

He took all gifts with him and started hiding them one by one in their house.

While all the members of the house gathered in the living room as it's time for Ada to come home.

 Last night they celebrated her birthday with the cake but today they wanted to make it a bit remarkable memory in her mind as her birthday was there.

Everyone was present in the living room except Mr Malhotra.

Meanwhile Ada has left the hospital for her home. She had no idea what surprise she is going to get.

They celebrated her birthday last night and she thought that yeah that's it. But little did she knows what is happening in her house.

So finally she reached home which felt like a decade to her being extremely tired. She entered the house.

Ada: I'm back.

Everyone in the house: Happy Birthday Ada.
All wished Ada as she entered the house being shock seeing a such a beautiful sight in front of her.

(Imagine it to be like this☝)

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(Imagine it to be like this☝)

The room was decorated by all favorite colors of Ada. Very simple but yet beautiful. Ada was very overwhelmed by the view she is seeing right now and also by seeing the happy faces of her family.

Nikhil, Swati: Did you like it?
Both of them said at once gesturing towards the decorations.

Ada: I literally love it. Thank you so much for doing all this.

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