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At Mr & Mrs Singhania's House

Mr Singhania: It has been one month now being the Ceo of the company and he is handling it well. Don't you think we should find him a girl?.
He said seated on the sofa with his wife beside watching TV.

Mrs Singhania: Yeah, I also think so.
Hearing this he instantly snapped his head at his wife.

Mr Singhania: Really? Then should I find a girl for him?.
He said not believe at his wife agreeing so easily with him.

Mrs Singhania: Haa.
She said agreeing with him.

Mr Singhania: I already have a girl in mind.
He said making his wife look at him.

Mrs Singhania: Who?.
She said being curious.

Mr Singhania: This!.
He said showing a picture on his phone.

Mrs Singhania: Who is she?
She said looking at the picture of a smiling girl.

Mr Singhania: She is Ruhi Oberoi, daughter of my friend.

Mrs Singhania: Oh! Mr Oberoi your childhood friend.

Mr Singhania: Yes, her father.
He said confirming his wife.

Mrs Singhania: She would be a good match for him. I have seen her when she was a little girl and growed up now.

Mr Singhania: Yeah, I will talk to his father to make Ruhi & Amaan meet first and then we will start  proceeding the arrangements.

Mrs Singhania: Yes, that sounds good. When he will come to have dinner tonight we will tell him.

Mr Singhania nodded his head agreeing with his excited wife.

At Dinner

Mrs Singhania: Amaan! Amaan!!
Come have dinner.
She said shouting upstairs.

Amaan: Coming Mom!.
He shouted back.

The Singhania family was seated on the dinning table. Mrs Singhania looked at her husband to start the conversation.

Mrs Singhania: Amaan, your dad wants to talk to you.
She said glancing at her husband.

Amaan: Yes, dad tell me.

All the attention goes to Mr Singhania.

Mr Singhania:Umm, You know Mr Oberoi?.
He said putting his words together after taking an eternity.

Amaan: Yes, I know.
He said concentrating on his food.

Mr Singhania: So, we thought that you should once meet his daughter.
He said making his son look at him instantly.

Amaan: Why?.
He said questioning his parents acting weird.

Mr Singhania: To meet up. It's just a date.

Amaan: Date!.
He said a bit loudly.

Mrs Singhania: Yes beta, It's just a date.
She said trying to handle the situation.

Amaan: You want me to marry her?.
He said coming right on to the point which his parents are indirectly saying.

Mr Singhania: NO I mean YES, Only if you want to.

Mrs Singhania: You just have to meet her once and the final decision of marrying her or not will be yours.
She said handling the situation which was being worst by her husband.

Amaan: Okay, When?.
He said agreeing with his parents.

Mr Singhania: Tomorrow.
He said again making his son look at him instantly.

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