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𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 5 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼.

Ada is now cooking in the kitchen while the noise of kids was heard around her.

Ada: Aditi! Aarav!! Stop running around! You will hurt yourself.
She said to her twin kids who is running in the living room.

Aarav: Mumma(Mom) didi(sister) is hitting me.
Her 5 year old twin.

Aditi: Mumma, he is telling a lie.
Her 5 year old twin said coming towards them.

Aditi was born first. Aarav was born just after 2 minutes than her sister which makes him younger then Aditi.

Ada: You both just keep fighting all the time.
She said being done with them.

Amaan: What happened who is fighting?.
He said coming towards them.

Aditi & Aarav: Papa!!!.(Dad).
Both of them screamed looking at him who just have arrived from office with chocolates in his hand.

Amaan: Aww, my little kids. Who wants chocolates?.
He said picking both of them in his arms and kissing their cheek.

Ada: No, no one is gonna eat chocolates. Dinner is ready.
She said and all the three of them  looked at her.

Amaan: Looks like Mumma is having a bad day. I'll fix it, you take this chocolates and run to the living room okay?.
He whispered to them and they nodded their head leaving them alone.

Amaan then took a step towards his wife and kissed her.

Amaan: What happened?.
He asked after breaking the kiss.

Ada: Nothing. They just fight all the time, it's so hard to make one explain and the other one listen.
She said sighing loudly looking at them who is sitting on the living room enjoying the chocolates.

Amaan: They are just kids, they will understand when they grow up.
He said while cupping her cheek.

Ada: I hope so.

Amaan: Btw I know why they get so angry easily.

Ada: Why so?.
She asked turning off the flame.

Amaan: Bcz you were really angry while delivering them.
He said and Ada laughed at his comment.

Ada: I don't know why I behaved like that but your every action was making angrier.
She said in between her laughs.


Ada: Amaan! My water broke.
She said shaking him while he is in a deep sleep.

Amaan: Baby, how can water broke?.
He said in a sleepy voice.

Ada: AMAAN!.
She said shaking him again.

Amaan: Yes baby, how can water broke? Isn't it liquid and not solid?.
He said being half awake.

She smacked the head of Amaan and he woked up completely.

He said being panic himself.

Ada: Call Maa, NOW.
She said screaming in pain.

Amaan rushed from their room to her mother's room to call her.

Mrs Singhania: What happened Ada?.
She said rushing over weak Ada.

Ada: Maa, my water broke.
She said slowly trying to control her pain.

Mrs Singhania: Amaan, we have to take her to the hospital now. Go take out the car and I'll quickly prepare the bag.
She said and he nodded his head rushing out quickly.

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