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Ada opened her eyes adjusting her eyes to the lights.

? : So, you are awake now?.
The guy said sitting in front of her in a distance.

Ada was tied to a chair in room where there were a lot stretchers around her as she looked around she found its a hospital in which she is held captive.

Ada: Who are you? Why did you bring me here?!!.
She said shouting at him while struggling to open her hands.

? : You don't remember me? Aww such a short time memory you have.
The guy said chuckle at her.

? : Did you remember the name Arnold?
The guy said making Ada stop for second.

Ada abruptly looked at him carefully. He had broad shoulders and tattoos all over his neck and one arm. A piercing on his right eyebrow.
Then she saw the eyes of the guy and recognized who it was.

Ada: Arnold?.
She said not believing her eyes.

Arnold: Yes, it's me.
He said and took slow steps towards her.

Arnold: You know you only gave me the name jojo also. You know that right?
He said caressing her cheek to which she shut her eyes bcz of disgusting touch.

Ada: You were jojo all the time and yet you never told me anything. And me being foolish told you everything about my nightmares and things which happened with me.
She exclaimed loudly at him.

Arnold: I was just keeping my promise.
He said lingering his fingers on her face.

Ada: What promise?!!!!.
She said moving her face away from his fingers.

Arnold: To make you a princess. But I see you are already married now.
He said and distance himself to look up at him.

Ada: What bullshit are you talking! Just leave me alone! You are my worst, dark and most disgusted decision in the past I ever made.
She exclaimed loudly.

Arnold: How dare you!!!!!!!.
He said and landed a slap on her face making her face tilt to left.

Arnold: I loved you so much and was willing you to make my princess and just went to Canada for some purposes and came back only to find you married? Huh?!!!! Answer me!!!.
He shouted on her while tears rolled down her eyes bcz of slap.

Arnold: You were always mine and will be mine only. No other men will be around including your husband also. You are going to divorce Amaan.
He said in a dangerous tone.

Ada: What!!!.
She said looking up immediately.

Arnold: Yes, or else I'll kill your cute and happy family.
He said coming close to her.

Ada: If I have known before that you were like this I could have never dated you.
She said spitting on his face.

Arnold: You know what I was the only one to make you date me cuz I searched for you like crazy when you left me and shifted to this city. I promised myself that I'll come back to make you mine and see here I'm your jojo.
He said with pride in his voice.

Ada: My dad made a wise decision of not making me marry you but Amaan.
She said with rage in her eyes.

Arnold: Oh really?! Then you should also make a wise decision of choosing Amaan or your family.
He said and took a blade piercing it in one of Ada's tied hand.

Ada: Ahhhhhhhhhh.
She yelped in pain.

Arnold: Feel it. That's how I felt it when you left me there, abandon me.
He said and laughed in victory.

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