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It has been a month or two after their trip and they are back to their lifes. But today holds a special day to them cause soon they are going to be bound to each other.

Mrs Malhotra: Did you put the flowers?.
She asked to one of the servants working on the decor.

He nodded his head and she made her towards others servants checking on them.

Mr Malhotra: Are they here?.
He asked to his wife coming towards him.

Mrs Malhotra: Not yet, is Nikhil and Swati ready
She said to her husband.

Mr Malhotra: There are on their way to here.
He said and walked away from there.

(Imagine all of them wearing these outfits I'll be showing down).

Mr&Mrs Malhotra.

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Nikhil & Swati

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Nikhil & Swati.

Akash Malhotra

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Akash Malhotra.

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