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A few weeks later.

After that encounter which happened with me in the kitchen .

I didn't know what to do. I tried talking to Arnold about his behavior with my dad.

I also didn't like the way he was talking with my dad.

But all he said was your dad was talking rudely with me and I was just returning him the favor.

I can't believe what excuse he gave me for his behavior. I doubted myself for loving this type of man.

After all that, I was very silent in my house and always in my room. My routine was just to go hospital and after coming back straight to my room.

I talked very less with my family.
My dad started searching a match for me.

He did find some and I even met them. But none has my interest in them.

And now one of them is I'm going to meet which is set by my father.

I'm here sitting waiting for the man to arrive at the restaurant which I was told to meet despite of my heavy schedule in hospital.

Harsh Patel is dressed in casual walking towards the table where  I was seated.

I recognized him bcz dad showed me his picture and I think he is also seen mine.

Harsh: Are you Ada Malhotra?.
He said looking at me.

Me: Yes.
I smiled at me and gestured him to sit.

Harsh: I'm Harsh Patel.
He said looking at me.

Me: I'm Ada Malhotra, as you already know.

Harsh: Yeah, I do.
He chuckled a bit which I found cute.

Waiter: Would you like to order something Sir & Ma'am?.
The waiter said standing beside them to take the order.

Harsh: What would you like to have?.
He said looking the menu and then me.

Me: I feel thirsty, a cup of orange juice is good.

Harsh: Okay, 1 orange juice and 1 tea.
He said looking the waiter.

Harsh: So, what are hobbies?.

Most frequently ask question for me. For which I have a very well answer.

Me: I personally don't have any hobbies but I like trying new things.

I said not really comfortable now to share my hobbies.

I will definitely tell it to the right person.

Harsh: Oh! Good.

Me: What do you do for living?.
I said asking how does he even agreed coming here.

Harsh: I work at my dad's company.
He said answering my question while maintaining an eye contact.

Me: Nice!.
Means he works under his dad.

He himself doesn't do anything for his living. Practically living under his dad's money.

Harsh: What you do?.

Me: I'm dermatologist means specialist in skin.
I said fake smiling. Unlike you I work independently.

Harsh: Oh, Doctor.
He said smiling widely. Which creeped me out.

Me: Yes, you can kind of say that as I work in hospital.

Harsh: Which hospital do you work in?.
He asked being curious.

Why should I tell you,when I'm never going to meet you again.

Me:Umm, Jannat. Jannat hospital
I said a fake name sorry but not sorry.

Harsh: Oh! A friend of mine works there.
He said making me a bit shocked.

See now he is also lying or maybe there must be hospital named jannat and there really worked a friend of his. But for me now he lied.

Me: Oh! Nice then. What does he do?.
I said testing him if he is telling the truth or not.

Harsh: Umm, surg- surgeon. He is a surgeon there.

I hate the word surgeon after what has happened. Bcz of this Arnold's behaviour was flashing in my mind.

Me: Such a pain in ass.
I whispered to myself.

Harsh: Did you said something?.

Me: No, I didn't.

Waiter: Here, your order is Sir.
The waiter said coming out of nowhere and kind of helping me to divert the attention from me.

Harsh: Thank you.
He said smiling at the waiter who just nodded his head and disappeared from our sight to god knows where.

I just wanna go home!!.

Harsh: Do you know how to cook?.

Is he really want a dead wish?.

Me: No, I know a little bit of cooking but not fully.
I said looking at him to see his reaction.

Harsh: Toh fir kaise chalega.
He whispered to himself but I clearly heard him.

Kya kaise chalega?.

Don't you have god gifted two hands and a home where kitchen is also there, can't you cook for yourself by those gifted hands of yours?.

Me: I think you should drink your tea it's getting cold.
I said while sipping on my juice.

Harsh: Huh! Yes.
He said coming back on planet earth from god knows where 🤔.

The so called meet up was finally done we talked a bit more then headed towards home.

At Malhotra's House:

Mom: How was it?.
She said and when she saw me coming towards the living room.

Me: For me it is a NO.

I said and headed towards my room but also hearing my mom saying god knows whom she will like.

Whoever I will like should know how to make me comfortable around him.

He should not ask silly questions instead he should ask interesting question which takes me a bit off guard.

He should do all this to make me like him.

Unlike before I will not give my heart to any man before making sure that he will keep it safe and I will keep his safe with me.

Till now I have not yet found the one for me.

I'm not a fool to give my heart again this time.

________End of pov_____________

I'll update soon.

Thank you for reading ❤.

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