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Ada Pov:

Mom: Ada!!.
My mother is calling me, I should better move out.

I took the tray with me and walked slowly towards the living room without stumbling.

Dad: This my daughter Ada.
He introduced me while my head  still low.

Mom: Serve them the tea beta.
She told me and I took a glance at her nodding my head.

I kept the tray on the table which near the sofa.

I took the cup in my hand and served Mr Singhania first. I gave him the cup and he thanked me.

After that I gave it to be Mrs Singhania and Khushi, while smiling at them.

Now comes this man which I don't wanna give to. I don't know why I feel so nervous. Literally my hands were shaking when I took the cup in my hand and slowly waited for him to take it but when he didn't I looked up at him.

He took it and our hands brushed each other briefly. By that sudden touch looked up at him again, who was smiling and  already burning a hole in me by his brown orbs.

I quickly took back my hands smiling shyly.

I seated beside my mother.

Nikhil: So, what work do you do?.
He said once I'm seated.

Everyone looked at the man who took my breath away in one glance. Amaan!!!.

Amaan: I'm the Ceo of Singhania Company. After my dad retired, I took the position.

Oh my god!! He is the Ceo. My conscience screamed.

I already know that. I told back in my head.

Mr Singhania: He worked really hard to get this position, I didn't give him this position bcz he is my son but I wanted him to achieve it and he did.
He said smiling looking at his son who is smiling back at him.

He worked hard and got the position, he is not a spoiled rich brat. My conscience says.

But still didn't impressed me yet.
I said replying back.

Mrs Singhania: What do you do Ada beta?.
She said making all eyes diverted to me.

Me: I.. Um...I'm a Dermatologist, I work in a hospital.
I said feeling nervous as all eyes were on me including his which I glanced back.

Mr Singhania: You are a doctor?.
He said looking confused.

Me: Um.. You can say that as I work in hospital.
I said looking at him not to forget glancing at Amaan.

Dad: I'm also going to retire soon and hand over the company to Nikhil.
My father said chuckling receiving another chuckle from his friend.

Mr Singhania: Yeah, good why stress yourselfs as we have become old now.
He said looking at dad and bhai.

Mom: Don't you think the kids should talk separately?.
She said looking at my dad sort of asking permission.

My dad looked at Mr Singhania for confirmation and he just nodded his head and looked at his wife.

Mrs Singhania: Yeah, why not go Amaan.
She said pushing Amaan towards me.

Oh no!!!. I don't wanna be alone with him, why do I feel so shy all of a sudden.I'm gonna be dead today.

Come on he is not gonna eat you up. My conscience said mocking me.

Mom: Go take Amaan, in your room.
She said gesturing and looking at me.

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